Thu Feb 7 2002
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 Publish Date Title
 2023-01-24 Searching for Terrorists We Snare Angels Instead
 Dr. Jay Cavana, is the national director of the American All...
 2023-01-06 Focusing on Focus on the Family's Myths and Facts Concerning Marijuana
 Dr. Dobson, president and founder of Focus on the Family, is...
 2022-12-12 Press Release: UK Politician to Seek Arrest of Possession of Cannabis
 A North West Euro-MP is planning to seek arrest for possessi...
 2022-12-12 The War On Drugs Is A War On People
 "Do you stand beside those who are harassed and arrested bec...
 2022-12-03 NarcoNews Bulletin Issue #16: Live Reports From The Andes; & Blockades Renewed
 December 3, 2023Please Distribute WidelyDear Colleagues,Th...
 2022-11-27 Press Release: UK Laugh @ the Law Day - come have a laugh at your own expense*.
 *for tax payers only Silence is Taken as Acceptance It's t...
 2022-11-21 Alert: Challenge the DEA
 PLEASE DISTRIBUTE Challenge the DEA Say No to DEA Attempts...
 2022-11-21 A Smuggler's Tale From Jails
 For those who don't know Gary Waid, he was arrested for the ...
 2022-11-14 ALERT: DEA Attacking Medical Marijuana Patients
 11/14/01 Dear DRCNet reader: The following important med...
 2022-10-05 Being Right - Has the Quest Been Forsaken?
 2022-09-16 The War Prayer
 Mark Twain apparently dictated "The War Prayer" around 1904-...
 2022-09-14 DrugSense Focus Alert, May 23rd, 2023 - Taliban's Tyranny No Problem For Anti-Drug Aid
 Taliban's Tyranny No Problem For Anti-Drug Aid ------- PLE...
 2022-09-11 America Under Attack
 2022-09-06 The Stones We Throw Have Now Become Bullets
 I have been visiting pages of the pro-family, anti-drug user...
 2022-09-06 Marijuana Activists Killed By Police Standoff Over Pot Plants
 NORML Executive Director R. Keith Stroup called the fatal ou...
 2022-08-31 Report on the State of the Art
 Mr. Schimelfenig posted this report on MapTalk, the mailing ...
 2022-08-29 Parable of Persecution - Words of Wisdom from Benjamin Franklin
 Due to the perceived wickedness of the drug culture, the war...
 2022-08-25 Column - Coming Out of the Closet
 Editor's note - It takes courage to admit to consuming cann...
 2023-07-24 Christians For Cannabis Update
 The feedback ChristiansForCannabis has received has been hea...
 2023-06-24 Guest Editorial - A Christian's Duty and the War on Drugs
 In waging the Drug War we are arresting and imprisoning the ...
 2023-06-07 Editorial: In Memory of Joey - A Testimony
 Joseph Edward Vaughn, my brother, died Friday, June 3rd, 199...
 2023-06-07 Drug Courts -
 Instead of the search for truth and justice, judges and pros...
 2023-05-21 Editorial: Family Research Council's 'Victory' in Supreme Court Ruling on Medical Marijuana
 "If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably ...
 2023-05-21 The Beginning of Prohibition
 The Beginning of Marijuana Prohibition - by Al Gilmor...
 2023-04-12 Mother Knows Best?
 Something like keystone cops we 5 tumble out of the little c...
 2023-04-05 Idolizing the Family
 I contend here that the Christian church in America today ha...
 2023-04-01 Christians Persecuting Christians - Christian Casualties Found in War on Drugs
 While the date may elude that the title is an April Fool's D...
 2023-03-25 God and Ganja
 There is no need to search the Bible for mention of cannabis...
 2023-03-23 Steve Kubby's Probation - Cruel and Unusual Punishment
 I believe that sentencing me, when I am medically disabled a...
 2023-03-21  They Thought They Were Free...
 "What no one seemed to notice, ... was the ever widening gap...
 2023-03-17 Restore Cannabis to the Formulary Where it Belongs
 "One of the most ignored area in the discussion of medicinal...
 2023-03-16 Family Research Council Misses Mark on Medicinal Marijuana
 "The marijuana prohibition has made criminals out of normal ...
 2023-03-16 Father John Clifton Marquis on the Futility of Drug Laws in *U.S. Catholic* May 1990 (p14)
 "Drug laws are a moral issue. Fifty years of drug legislatio...
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The commandments, Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet," and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.
-Paul, Romans 13:9-11

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Drug Hate and the Corruption of American Justice
The author, David Baggins, July 28, 2023 - "This book examines drug policy as the product of politics. Drug policy is the greatest modern federal failure. Yet it remains essentially popular because it has benefitted some groups. This book considers the use of the hatred of drugs to politicians, conservative churches, police and racists."
They Thought They Were Free
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Oxford NIV Scofield Study Bible
If you do not have a Bible, this is the one to get.
Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts
Care enough investigate and separate fact from fiction, read this book.
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Feb 07 2002, 21:29:12
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