Mon Mar 4 2002
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"Finding this site is a great encouragement. I believe Jesus is Christ based on reason and belive He is a God of reason and therefore believe that marijuana exists for a reason."
Ryan O'Donohue
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A Smuggler's Tale From Jails
by Gary Boots Waid, Introduction by Kay Lee of JourneyForJustice

For those who don't know Gary Waid, he was arrested for the first and only time in his life in his 40s and charged with smuggling marijuana. It seems to be a moot point that they could produce no drugs in evidence: The word of a snitch was enough to arrest Gary, and the threats of law enforcement were enough to scare him into foregoing his trial. He was sentenced to nine years in federal prison.

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Gary does not claim to be innocent. He did his 5 years in Federal prisonstoically and would have been out by now, except that he was traded to thestate of Florida like a baseball card and, despite the rules, lost all thathis good behavior had earned him before he was dragged down to the statelevel.Now you'll pay to illegally keep him for those extra years.

The point here is that people charged with non-violent crimes live in thesame horrendous conditions of human warehousing that those charged withviolent crimes do - conditions that are unfit for animals, conditions thatreflect the fear-mongering of faulty statistics and political rhetoric, andconditions that do not meet the minimum standards of care demanded by stateand federal laws and international treaties. And you pay for it!

The nearly 30 year old Drug War flies in the face of reason and justice -always has, always will. It is the product of a 60 year old prohibition thathas cost us a fortune; and because of mandatory minimums and the conditionswe allow prisons to impose, will cost us so much more in the years to comein health care, disrespect for authority by large numbers of citizens, andan on-going battle that seems never-ending.

Go ahead and tell me that "you do the crime, you do the time". Although ithas been proven that there are many far less expensive alternatives toincarceration for the 65% of our two million prisoners who are not violentpeople, we continue to pay the incredible costs of mass incarceration withno victory in sight.And I'll just ask you, "Why?"

If you agree there has to be a better way, write a letter to the editor ofyou local paper and call a politician. Go ahead: Ask them when this war on American soil will be over.

Kay Lee

A Smugglers Tail From Jails

PODW Gary Brooks Waid
Federal prisoner Number. 24582-034
Illegal Florida prisoner Number 124551

I am Gary Waid, Federal Prisoner no. 24582-034. If you were to call theFederal Inmate Locator Number, you might get a pleasant voice telling youthat Gary Waid is an incarceree at the Federal Halfway House facility inMontgomery, Alabama. They've said this for years.

It's not true though. Never has been. I'm in Florida, lost in a system ofrotten politics and lies. My friend and soul mate, Kay Lee of [Making theWalls Transparent] and Journey For Justice, has asked the voice on the phonewhy they say this thing, but they won't tell her. They won't say anythingat all.

In 1998 the Federal Bureau of Prisons, in exchange for 30 of what they callJoint Task-Force Inmates that Florida was threatening to release, traded 30non-violent, first time, mostly drug offenders to the Florida Department ofCorrections. The Task-Force inmates were lifers, and the sleight of hand waspolitical, a cozy deal done between Janet Reno's Justice Department and theGovernor of Florida, Lawton Chiles. They manufactured an Executive Order andthe Governor signed it. Then, using the Executive Order, they took away allmy rights and broke one state law and at least three Federal laws-byshipping me off to Florida in chains.

No one cared about the law, though. Normally executive orders are used tocreate national parks or pardon politicians. In times of national emergencythey do terrible things, like authorizing the internment of 120,000 JapaneseAmericans during World War II. My inclusion in the trade did not conform tostatute law or the U.S. Constitution. And I lost all of what I was strivingfor plus 18 months or more taken from my life. I should have gone to ahalfway house this past December.Instead, they'll keep me until June of 2002 or longer.

I am in prison for my involvement with marijuana.

I am in a Florida prison because I was a well-behaved, non-litigious idiot.

I've been down a while (since 1994) and my sentence was only to be 85% of 9years-less a year and some halfway house time for the Federal Drug andAlcohol program recommended by my judge. But because Florida is picking upa check, getting a rebate on my body, I was pulled from consideration forthe program. In addition, I was treated as less than human (many of thestate guards thought I was a federal spy), threatened repeatedly, andtransferred through no less than five state facilities including anemergency removal for my own protection because the hacks at Florida StatePrison in Starke (work camp) actually wanted to beat me for exercising myFirst Amendment rights. I've lost my place on a roll of inmates allowedschooling or a right to halfway house.

The State of Florida gives me nothing but a hard time, actually, so I write.The novel Jimmy Duppy was smuggled out of Florida State Prison Work Camp. Itwill be published, soon we hope, but although a contract has been offered,Mr. Stephen Everett, my agent, says we'll get a better deal. So we'rewaiting.

I invite you to read my other stories, though, and to run my name on yoursearch engine. You'll discover some nasty truths about Florida's Correctionsbureaucracy. You'll get it right from the idiot's mouth. In fact, I'mprobably the only Federal non-violent, first time marijuana prisoner to everspend a bit of quality time on Florida's Death Row (G-Wing, F.S.P.) forwriting a letter to the Miami Herald.

Gary Waid, P.O.D.W. 1-20-01

The Smuggler's Tales From Jails
The Smuggler's Tales From Jails

His Novel, Jimmy Duppy

Gary Waid is now at the "Geriatric" prison called River Junction Work Camp
River Junction Work Camp

You can write to Gary at:
Gary Brooks Waid
#124551 E-1124
River Junction Work Camp
300 Pecan Lane
Chattahoochee, Fl 32324


Journey for Justice
Kay Lee
1290 Overlook Terrace
Titusville, Florida 32780
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Mar 04 2002, 01:22:43
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