Thu Feb 28 2002
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Editorial: In Memory of Joey - A Testimony
by j. wallace, editor

Joseph Edward Vaughn, my brother, died Friday, June 3rd, 1994. He was 22. He drank, smoked pot, and gave tattoos. He liked Ozzy Osborne, KISS, Nirvana, Poison, Guns and Roses and Black Sabbath. He also liked Alan Jackson and Garth Brooks. He was a reluctant artist that could do aerial flips.

Lost in the muck and mire of contemporary Christianity and all its trappings, I took everything it told me to heart. I condemned his interests, his music, his lifestyle. Only after he was gone did I see that there is no love in condemnation. And the love that I thought I had been giving, wasn't really there.

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Rummaging through an old journal to find a poem for another writer I ran across a poem I usually avoid reading. Once my eyes are cast upon it, a sharp pain pierces my heart, a sting comes to my eyes and my day usually dims. To fully comprehend, allow me to share. A word of caution, the source of inspiration is the rawest of pain.

this is one of those days
that i see him in
every tree

no, i never saw him
maybe it would have
been better
if i had
For in my mind
with the antics of
my imagination
i don't just picture
as he was
in a tree
but also as
a baby
a toddler
a young boy
a teenager
full of life

then i see
the black nylon rope
his arms clutching
to the tree
in one last
desperate effort
to save his life
i can hear him
gasping for air
i can feel the sheer
welling up inside of
him as he realizes

its too late

i want to erect a billboard
where he rests
that says
in declaration to
those that considered him
no good
not worth the effort

i want to scream

how dare they
look upon that boy
that God himself
in the image of his
own likeness
that Jesus Christ
shed his own blood for
and declare him
not worthy of saving
saying it over and over again
from his conception
to his birth

my baby brother
who counted on me
that i let down
so many times...
ultimately for

his suicide
forever altering my life
teaching me
the meaning of

a loss
that can not be
in the end
only love matters

Joseph Edward Vaughn, my brother, died Friday, June 3rd, 1994. He was 22. He drank, smoked pot, and gave tattoos. He liked Ozzy Osborne, KISS, Nirvana, Poison, and Black Sabbath. He also liked Alan Jackson and Garth Brooks. He was a reluctant artist that could do aerial flips.

Lost in the muck and mire of contemporary Christianity and all its trappings, I took everything it told me to heart. I condemned his interests, his music, his lifestyle. Only after he was gone did I see that there is no love in condemnation. And the love that I thought I had been giving, wasn't really there.

What is the worst that would have happened if I alone would have accepted and loved Joey as he was? I will never know, but perhaps he would still be alive.

My children sometimes ask me if Uncle Joe went to Heaven. I think back to all the religious 'talks' I had with him, under the guise of trying to help, wanting him to straighten up and do right. Hopefully his salvation did not depend on me.

I do not live with guilt, but I accept responsibility

I also see, where 'the Church' failed him and fails millions like him every day. The cart has been put before the horse. Righteousness is being demanded from those that are not obligated to be righteous, and more importantly, have not been given what they need to even desire to be righteous � the love of Jesus. In its place, the Joey's of the world have received judgment and condemnation, huge obstacles to the Cross.

The bottom line is this - as Christians, there is nothing on this earth that we should love or want so badly that we are willing to cause another living soul grief. It is not our place to demand our rights, but to continuously give to all those who ask. If what they want causes us to suffer, so be it, we suffer for the sake of Christ.

The prohibition of marijuana and the war on drugs as a whole, is an example of how the modern day church is willing and even demanding the suffering of others for the sake of their own lives. It is time to live as we proclaim to believe. Believe what God says, even when we do not agree or do not understand � God created the seed bearing plants and declared them good � Genesis 1:11-13, condemn no one, much less over what he consumes, and love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Only then will be be able to show the love of Christ to those that do not know Jesus, and be worthy of being called ourselves children of the Most High God.

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Feb 28 2002, 06:59:45
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