Tue Mar 5 2002
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Alert: Challenge the DEA
by Alexis Baden-Mayer

Challenge the DEA
Say No to DEA Attempts to Ban Hemp Products
Nationwide Day of Action -- December 4, 2022

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A nation-wide day of action has been scheduled to challenge the DEA's attempts to ban hemp products. Please join VoteHemp, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, NORML, DRCNet and other organizations around the country when they visit their local DEA outposts on December 4th, 2023. At lunchtime, they'll be setting up tables with hemp products and information, and soliciting participation of the DEA employees in taste tests:

Hemp educator: "Pardon me, Ma'm/Sir, can I interest you in a free sample of a delicious and nutritious pretzel?"

DEA: "Why yes, I love pretzels!"

Hemp educator: "Now tell me, Ma'm/Sir, can you taste the jalapeno flavor in that pretzel?"

DEA: "Mmm . . . yes, spicy."

Hemp educator: "Can you taste the nutrition in that pretzel? It's made with the seed of a special fiber that is high in protein and contains all essential amino acids. The oil of this seed contains the highest and most balanced levels of essential fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6)."

DEA: "Yeah I've heard about that stuff. It's good for you."

Hemp educator: "So does this nutritious pretzel taste good?"

DEA: "Yeah, it tastes real good."

Hemp educator: "Would you say it's so good it should be illegal?"

DEA: "Illegal? What is this stuff?"

Hemp educator: "It's hemp, of course, and as of December 10th, that bag of pretzels you're holding will be contraband. Here, take this flyer and read all about it."

Through this action, we will draw national media attention to the nutritional and other positive values of hemp and highlight the absurdity of the DEA prohibiting foods. If you're unable to participate in the actions, you can do your part by visiting Vote Hemp and sending a comment to the DEA to prevent their attempt to prohibit hemp seed products.

David Bronner, President of Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps has agreed to make sure that people participating in Hemp Education Day will be provided with the hemp products they need for the event.

The coalition will also have media support from the Mintwood Media Collective along with Common Sense for Drug Policy.

Contact me at Alexis Baden-Mayer or (202) 232-8997 so we can involve you in this important project.

Thank you for joining the challenge to the DEA's absurd and destructive policies. I look forward to seeing you at this and future actions.
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Mar 05 2002, 03:11:48
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