Sat May 4 2002
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"Its a pretty sad state of affairs that sins are determined by whomever has the loudest voice. As a christian pot smoker, I applaud your site. Its about time we had a voice, and I thank you very much for your efforts! Great work and God bless"
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Parable of Persecution - Words of Wisdom from Benjamin Franklin
by staff

Due to the perceived wickedness of the drug culture, the war on drugs has been unanimously supported by the church. What we fail to see is that the church is responsible, for we have 'thrust them out of our tents and exposed them to all the evils of the night in an unguarded condition'. That is why God rejects no one until the day of judgement and Jesus accepts all. For you can not love what you find unacceptable, and rejecting a part is rejecting the whole. Keeping from sin is not what makes the road narrow, loving like Jesus is.

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This parable was found in a pleasantly surprising book - The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. He found it so profound that he committed it to memory so that he could recite it. A good example to follow.

The Parable of Persecution "And behold, a man, bowed with age, came from the wilderness, leaning on a staff. "And Abraham arose and met him, and said unto him, 'Turn in, I pray thee, and wash thy feet, and tarry all night, and thou shalt arise early on the morrow, and go on thy way..' "But the man said, 'Nay, for I will abide under this tree.' And Abraham pressed him greatly; so he turned, and they went into the tent and Abraham baked unleavened bread, and they did eat. "And when Abraham saw that the man blessed not God, he said unto him, 'Wherefore dost thou not worship the most high God, Creator of heaven and earth?' "And the man answered and said, ' I do not worship the God thou speakest of, neither do I call upon his name; for I have made to myself a god, which abideth always in mine house, and provideth me with all things?' "And Abraham's zeal was kindled against the man, and he arose and fell upon him, and drove him forth with blows into the wilderness. "And at midnight God called unto Abraham, saying, 'Abraham, where is the stranger?' "And Abraham answered and said, 'Lord, he would not worship thee, neither would he call upon thy name; therefore have I driven him out from the before my face into the wilderness.' "And God said, 'Have I borne with him these hundred ninety and eight years; and nourished him and clothed him, notwithstanding his rebellion against me; and couldst not thou, that art thyself a sinner, bear with him one night?'" Open your tents and pray for the end of the drug war.

Author's Links

HistoricalThe Autobiography of Benjamin FranklinThe American High Society - Did the Founding Fathers of the United States of America smoke cannabis? Some researchers think so. Dr. Burke, president of the American Historical Reference Society and a consultant for the Smithsonian Institute, counted seven early presidents as cannabis smokers: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Zachary Taylor and Franklin Pierce. The Parable of Persecution - A different version at israelVisit � approximately fifteen pagedowns under H. Hospitality. The PersecutedTodd McCormick � be sure to take the Quick Tour: What's This All About Peter McWilliamsFatherless Children, Drug LawsInformationDrugWarFacts.OrgMedia Awareness Project Site Meter

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May 04 2002, 03:18:05
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