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bullet mont974x4 on Wednesday 07 June 2023 - 15:21:57
I'm sorry ya'll are having such a tough time. Some ignorant people really annow me. (In earlier years I would have been much more harsh)

Remember, corporate worship and fellowship is important for our spiritual health, the health of the church, and His work in general.
Find a local Bible believing church and get involved and build some good relationships. Then pick one ro two trusted individuals to bring the marijuana issue up with. This person should be a mature Christian that you know to be striving to be biblical and not just traditional. Keep it open and honest and above all biblical.

Again, I am sorry about the rough past and I pray that you are able to forgive them. My heart breaks when I hear about unloving churches.
bullet JesusMadePot on Wednesday 07 June 2023 - 12:06:30
It's a shame that this is the closest thing to church that I can find where I'm accepted.I dont have to be an actor or wear a face.
bullet SDubC on Wednesday 07 June 2023 - 11:32:40
Please pray that I will be able to trust my brothers and sisters once again, so that I may have fellowship in order to stand a righteous man in this broken world.
bullet SDubC on Wednesday 07 June 2023 - 11:32:29
This was the beginning of a downward spiral that resulted in my rejection of the faith. I have since recommitted my life to Christ, and I am trying my best to reintegrate myself back into the Church and to let go of the pain that their rejection caused me as a young man.
bullet SDubC on Wednesday 07 June 2023 - 11:32:11
I feel compelled to share a story from my youth. When I was a young man (15yrs old), I was rigorously involved with my youth group while at the same time beginning to experiment with mind altering substances. My youth group was about to attend a missions trip to Paris, France. I felt convivted of my reckless use of drugs to surpress my depression, and I informed my youth pastor of my deepest feelings. He felt it necessary to tell the whole congregation that I was a pot-smoker. I was kicked off the missions trip to France and shunned by the parents of all my church going friends. I was even made to stand before the entire youth group, tell them that I smoked pot and inform them that I would not be allowed to go to France.
bullet BrotherPaul on Wednesday 07 June 2023 - 09:55:20
Let the Word of God enter in:
Let the Light of Truth be made known by the very Oracles of JAH, King of the Universe: Share with one another the truth revealed by Romans 14, and may we be Blessed with the Anointing of Psalm 133! Do we forget our Lord's teaching regarding the "mote" in thy brothers eye, while retaining the beam or log that is in our own eye? And are we demonstrating Christ in the Life with fruits of the Spirit, or fruits of unrighteousness. Remember that God is not willing that any are to be lost, but all should be saved and come to the knowledge of Salvation! When they throw our beloved out of their churches, know that we have other churches able and willing to bring the children of God into one of the many persecuted churches. God be with us all,
bullet JeffL on Tuesday 06 June 2023 - 15:28:02
Oh Yeah, SDubC- welcome!
bullet JeffL on Tuesday 06 June 2023 - 15:26:17
It is well said that the licentious man is led about by his foods, that he'd rather stand outside and smoke dope than be inside at the altar praising the Lord; but woe to the congregation that casts out the righteous lips of sacrafice, cause the Holy Spirit went outside with him.

The Lord gives, the Lord taketh away. Blessed is the name of our Lord Jesus
bullet SDubC on Tuesday 06 June 2023 - 14:46:57
What is more harmful? A Christian smoking a joint? Or the Church rejecting and judging this man for doing so?
Let us be compassionate to our brothers. And let us live our lives in moderation in order to be ready when the Spirit calls us.
bullet BrotherPaul on Friday 02 June 2023 - 14:31:24
"Though they preach A Christ of contention..."
we share the Love and Life of Jesus, without contention, but of Peace, and Love, and of a "sound mind."
bullet BrotherPaul on Friday 02 June 2023 - 14:28:23
Remember, Kinsmen, that Jesus Christ Called us! We did not call Him; He called us, and Ordained us, that we should..."go, and bear much fruit." So, thou they preach Christ in contention, and contentiously, we share the Love and Life of Jesus, with contention, but of Peace, and Love, and of a "sound mind."
bullet JeffL on Thursday 01 June 2023 - 17:46:49
Christian I am; and by the laws of man, a criminal.
bullet BrotherPaul on Thursday 01 June 2023 - 13:27:36
jini: Thank YOU for your excellent representation of us cannabinoids. Especially like your article in Disparities of Law with Rev Shields. You show the fortitude of God's "Mighty Men of Valor." I Pray you are richly Blessed from on High.
bullet JesusMadePot on Thursday 01 June 2023 - 12:25:06
Cry out to God and He will set us free!
bullet c4cadmin on Thursday 01 June 2023 - 10:51:52
Hey Jeff, good to see you here. Getting a few visits from your site, hope it is all going well.

And thank you BrotherPaul for all the good work.

love and peace,
bullet JeffL on Thursday 01 June 2023 - 10:21:59
man, I need to get you a company t-shirt! e-mail me with an address and I'll send you one
bullet BrotherPaul on Thursday 01 June 2023 - 09:49:12
Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

Romans 14:22,23
bullet JeffL on Wednesday 31 May 2023 - 21:30:26
God Bless you Brother, and welcome!
bullet BrotherPaul on Wednesday 31 May 2023 - 11:38:00
May our Lord Richly Bless all the believers assembled here, and may we pray together, being of one mind in the matter, that El Shaddai, Almighty God, will open the hearts and minds of the Enemy in order that they may know the TRUTH and be set Free by it, as We are Free! God Be With Us All.
bullet flatfish on Saturday 20 May 2023 - 06:31:25
Jesus said evil dwells in mans heart, he did not say in plants also lol
bullet flatfish on Saturday 20 May 2023 - 06:28:22
We have built in receptors for the plant, it has more chlorophyll,omega3&6 then any other plant. That is why the governments act like they do because of the lack of the 11 essential oils in the plant
bullet JesusMadePot on Wednesday 17 May 2023 - 16:44:15
I think its great. Been looking for a way to explain to them.Am glad you pointed that out.
bullet cannamomma on Monday 15 May 2023 - 08:08:32
What do people think of It's Just a Plant? Second item from the top in the middle of this page.
bullet Human on Thursday 11 May 2023 - 22:06:20
May I add a humble option from one who loves and submits his life to Jesus Christ as well as loves ALL the creation of God and abhors those who would blaspheme it by criminalizing it and calling it evil?

I would like to suggest that Jesus is not only "fully human" but is a man just like we are (albeit born of a virgin). See 1 Tim 2:5 and many other references. Not to throw out the ultimate intent of the any sentiments so expressed but to add something for consideration of the saints.

Peace, In Christ,
bullet msactech1 on Monday 01 May 2023 - 12:49:23
Jesus is God. God is the Author of life. He gave life to plants, animals, and people. He gave the plants and animals to the people for them to use. I pray God will bless each one of you. I pray that we won't have to hide in secret for a plant, anymore.
bullet cannamomma on Monday 01 May 2023 - 12:34:03
to rogue4204christ. please do not say things like "the lawyer (if you want to call her that)" and "the lame DA" it doesn't help anyone to call others down. peace and blessings
bullet suehigh77 on Sunday 23 April 2023 - 17:06:52
Yes i agree, Jesus is God and God is the creator of all things(Psalm 24:1-2). I also pray that God will bless us all and let the plant do what it was created to do.
bullet msactech1 on Monday 17 April 2023 - 16:45:12
Jesus is God. God is the Author of life. He gave life to plants, animals, and people. He gave the plants and animals to the people for them to use. I pray God will bless each one of you. I pray that we won't have to hide in secret for a plant, anymore.
bullet msactech1 on Monday 17 April 2023 - 16:41:26
bullet mont974x4 on Tuesday 11 April 2023 - 10:30:28
I pray things are going well. I am sorry that I am not closer and able to help in a more active roll.

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