Sun Mar 31 2002
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Idolizing the Family
by Gary Almy, MD

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Above its garden gate
My home must have a garden
Where little dreamings wait.
And every heart that enters
Will hear its music there.
And find a simple beauty
That everyone may share.
The idolatry of the family we know today began to flower with the Romanticism of the nineteenth century. It sounded so beautiful, but it was devoid of Truth. It has developed into a rotting fruit, a society riddled with pregnancies out of wedlock, with abortion and fertility clinics, with divorce and so-called domestic violence having become routine, with some fertilized eggs flushed down drains while others are frozen and often becoming the object of lawsuits, and with so many embryos implanted in one uterus that we are killing several babies and calling it "selective embryo reduction" (scientific terminology hiding the horror). Never have so many children killed their parents and never have so many parents killed their children. We are so confused that the courts are filled with children who have called the hot-line to accuse their parents of abuse and with parents turning their children over to the state for care via some psychiatric diagnosis. Singing the 4-H home song may have produced tear-filled eyes for the moment, but it has not produced homes with high trees and little dreamings waiting. When the family takes precedence and becomes the center of focus, it is idolatry. God’s gracious creation of the family is a blessing when God is loved, honored, and obeyed first and foremost. Indeed, "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it" (Ps. 127:1). (PAL V8N1 * Jan-Feb 2000) PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries, 4137 Primavera Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110

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Mar 31 2002, 02:11:14
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