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10/24/2003: "Letters: Shame on you"

Dear Sirs-
You guys are lost and a mockery of our Lord Jesus
Christ teachings.May god have mercy on you for leading
people astray.

Satan has deceived you.Wake up before it is too late
and ask for forgivness.If you were working Gods in
your life you would not be concerned about drugs but
rather people's souls.You are leading them straight
to Hell.Alcohol and drugs are as witchcraft and those
who indulge will not see the kingdom of God.Shame on
you for using christianity to promote your addictions
and agenda.Satan is using you as a tool to promote
witchcraft for he knows his time is short.


We are gravely concerned for people's souls. We are weary of seeing people like you rejecting and wanting to put otherwise law-abiding, hard-working, tax-paying, society-contributing adults in jail for doing something you are barely aware of, due to man-made laws based on out and out lies for something that has never been condemned by God. Marginalizing the subculture, labeling them as criminals, robbing these people of their peace, years of their short life on this earth by incarceration, and even more importantly, their opportunity at eternal life all due to your scripturally invalid position.

By biblical policy, God allows punitive government only under certain circumstances. It is not until one damages another's person or property that he can be punished. The drug policies that the Christian community has worked to put into effect and continue to support do not follow the scriptural model of punitive justice and therefore violates biblical policy and are in disobedience to God's word. It is not the gospel of Jesus Christ that condemns these people needlessly, slanders their name, causes them harm on earth and risks their salvation by causing them to reject the gospel. People full of ignorance, apathy and fear concerning this issue as you have just represented are the ones that condemn and cause the harm by negligently supporting these unjust laws.

God created cannabis, declared it good and gave it to man. Further in Genesis God gives Noah everything that moves to eat and reaffirms his gift of the green plants. Is cannabis bad and God a liar? Would God who sacrificed his only son give His children on earth bad gifts? As a righteous God can He give evil gifts? Is he out to trick or deceives in the hopes we will make a mistake? Of course not, that is why Jesus died, to remove all the obstacles from the cross.

Did Jesus say it was went into a man that defiled him or that which comes from the heart. Didn't Paul tell us that in Colossians that the rules of 'taste not' 'touch not' were destined to perish with use because they were based on human commands and teachings? Did you not understand that it is just as Paul says that these rules have the appearance of wisdom but only do great harm and does nothing to control fleshly desires? Not only is the harm of this world - loss of job, loss of freedom, loss of family, shamefully causing the loss of life, shedding innocent blood, making in many cases the harm eternal. This is what we can expect when we add more to God's word, calling a sin what God does not call a sin, putting good for bad and bad for good, and overstepping our authority by demanding punishment for something God does not demand punishment for.

I genuinely hope you will surrender your knee jerk reaction to this issue, check through some of the resources on the FAQ - page and pray for Jesus's will to overcome yours on this issue.

Replies: 17 Comments

lukas said @ 10/28/2003 11:14 AM CST

i would like to state that michelle is clinically insane. you both need to end this inane useless chatter, sit down, and smoke a bowl.

Reverend Ferre said @ 10/28/2003 02:11 PM CST

Reading this I can see there is a long way to go before people can react in a rational way according to this useful, God given, plant.
More and more people are getting there though, false information and government indoctrination won't stop that.

Meet some free spirits at :

Just Passing Through - Had to Comment said @ 10/28/2003 10:48 PM CST

A buddy of mine passed this message board url to me, and after reading what Michelle said, and the reply from CFC (an assumption, didn't see a name to credit the reply to), I was compelled to add my thoughts.

Let me start by stating that I smoke pot too, so I'm not about to call the kettle black. Before I began smoking pot, I was a zealous Christian. I am no longer a zealous Christian, and it has nothing to do with smoking pot or the lifestyle sterotypically associated with "pot heads." Also, this post isn't to dispute or criticize Your opinions and beliefs. I merely would like to put forth to You another viewpoint on the relationship between God's laws and the world's governments.

In Titus 3:1, we read, "Continue reminding them to be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers..." and in 1Peter 2:13-15, "For the Lord's sake subject yourselves to every human creation: whether to a king as being superior or to govenors as being sent by him to inflict punishment on evildoers but to praise doers of good. For so the will of God is, that by doing good you may muzzle the ignorant talk of the unreasonable men." NWT.

These scriptures clearly indicate that it pleases God, and is part of His will to obey the laws of earthly rulers. Once we were cast out of Eden, God allowed humans to dominate each other and to impose laws of governance for the benefit of us all (the benefits are arguable, I agree lol). Only in a few instances does God say that we are allowed to disobey the earthly rulers, primarily, when obedience to them means we would have to break God's laws.

For whatever reasons, earthly rulers have determined that some drugs are illegal to possess and use without a prescription. Although God gave us the marijuana plant as a gift, and He has not given us a command regarding this sort of gift (other than the moral use of all of His gifts), He also has not stated that we must use it in order to obey His will. God also gave us the gift of the ingredients to make nuclear and napalm weapons, and other deadly substances, and I think we can all agree that we clearly should not use these. My point: Just because God gave it to us (in fact everything on this planet is a gift from God, it's man who's created immoral uses), does not mean we should/have to use it.

So, anyway, that was my thought on it. I don't consider there being a right or wrong answer to all things. I think it's up to each individual's conscious to determine what's right or wrong. There seems to be a bit of truth, and falsity in all things, and only God can sort it all out.

Desert Cat said @ 10/29/2003 09:15 PM CST

I actually agree with both perspectives expressed by CFC and "Just Passing Through". The plant was given to us by God, and religious rules of "taste not", "touch not" are not God-inspired. But we are to obey the rulers that God has given us, unless what they require of us is clearly against Scripture (such as requring us to bow down and worship a giant iguana idol, for example). The solution for a Christian in this country with the rights that we have been granted, is to lobby hard against the evil and injustice of the "war on some drugs" while waiting patiently for the day when our freedoms are restored before partaking of cannabis.

Human said @ 10/30/2003 12:18 AM CST

I understand the subjection to the government is a tough one for Christians. And, ultimately, it is the conscience of the Christian submitted before the Lord that is the only safe place.

However, I am reminded that Jesus frequently broke the local law - made kind of a habit of it actually (enjoyed doing so?). Clearly this is not a black and white issue. I would tend to say there is a concept that Christians are to maintain the civil order without necessarily following every jot and tittle of the social order. Clearly, none of us would betray a Jew in Nazi Germany - once you open to such an exception you admit that this is a conceptual matter. I don't think any reasonably intelligent, decent person will have any problem deciding the specifics here. I note that tax evasion is probably not an exception - Jesus did pay His taxes.

Last note: I wish people would experience psychoactives before preaching so eloquently upon them... otherwise it is just pride and ignorance.


What a bunch of pot heads... said @ 12/02/2023 04:20 AM CST

I don't know about you but I think we should start serving weed in our schools cafeterias. And while we're at it we should start using poison ivy instead of toilet paper... Am I fitting in yet?

What a bunch of pot heads... said @ 12/02/2023 04:20 AM CST

I don't know about you but I think we should start serving weed in our schools cafeterias. And while we're at it we should start using poison ivy instead of toilet paper... Am I fitting in yet?

What a bunch of pot heads... said @ 12/02/2023 04:20 AM CST

I don't know about you but I think we should start serving weed in our schools cafeterias. And while we're at it we should start using poison ivy instead of toilet paper... Am I fitting in yet?

Human said @ 12/03/2023 11:51 PM CST

Just Passing - I appreciate your comments. I believe there are many very intelligent human beings that use cannabis - simply because they found a benefit in it (no different finding benefit in using an automobile - so we pay dearly for it and use it all the time). Some of those intelligent human beings are Christian (I like to think I am one of them) - we simply find a benefit and find that the individuals given to managing our society have grievously been misled (most have never even tried psychoactives - at least not as a mature adult).

I agree with that your point is well taken - and I think every Christian should (and the thinking ones have) considered this issue.

Agape In Christ,

Christian Soldier said @ 12/26/2003 09:13 AM CST


You've got to stop listening to the people that have fed you all these lies, and they are lies. But please, don't take my word, or anyones for that matter, on it. Read for yourself, pray for understanding and always be open to change.

I have one question for you sweetheart. If God asked you to do something that would make you unpopular in your church, could you do it?

If not, your allegiance lies in a very dangerous place.

These people have lied to you in exchange for acceptance and this probably isn't the only lie they've told you.

Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to make his path clear to you and always remember, the Truth shall set you Free!!

Christian Soldier said @ 12/26/2003 09:14 AM CST


You've got to stop listening to the people that have fed you all these lies, and they are lies. But please, don't take my word, or anyones for that matter, on it. Read for yourself, pray for understanding and always be open to change.

I have one question for you sweetheart. If God asked you to do something that would make you unpopular in your church, could you do it?

If not, your allegiance lies in a very dangerous place.

These people have lied to you in exchange for acceptance and this probably isn't the only lie they've told you.

Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to make his path clear to you and always remember, the Truth shall set you Free!!

Christian Soldier said @ 12/26/2003 09:14 AM CST


You've got to stop listening to the people that have fed you all these lies, and they are lies. But please, don't take my word, or anyones for that matter, on it. Read for yourself, pray for understanding and always be open to change.

I have one question for you sweetheart. If God asked you to do something that would make you unpopular in your church, could you do it?

If not, your allegiance lies in a very dangerous place.

These people have lied to you in exchange for acceptance and this probably isn't the only lie they've told you.

Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to make his path clear to you and always remember, the Truth shall set you Free!!

Christian Soldier said @ 12/26/2003 09:15 AM CST


You've got to stop listening to the people that have fed you all these lies, and they are lies. But please, don't take my word, or anyones for that matter, on it. Read for yourself, pray for understanding and always be open to change.

I have one question for you sweetheart. If God asked you to do something that would make you unpopular in your church, could you do it?

If not, your allegiance lies in a very dangerous place.

These people have lied to you in exchange for acceptance and this probably isn't the only lie they've told you.

Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to make his path clear to you and always remember, the Truth shall set you Free!!

Christian Soldier said @ 12/26/2003 09:15 AM CST


You've got to stop listening to the people that have fed you all these lies, and they are lies. But please, don't take my word, or anyones for that matter, on it. Read for yourself, pray for understanding and always be open to change.

I have one question for you sweetheart. If God asked you to do something that would make you unpopular in your church, could you do it?

If not, your allegiance lies in a very dangerous place.

These people have lied to you in exchange for acceptance and this probably isn't the only lie they've told you.

Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to make his path clear to you and always remember, the Truth shall set you Free!!

Christian Soldier said @ 12/26/2003 09:16 AM CST


You've got to stop listening to the people that have fed you all these lies, and they are lies. But please, don't take my word, or anyones for that matter, on it. Read for yourself, pray for understanding and always be open to change.

I have one question for you sweetheart. If God asked you to do something that would make you unpopular in your church, could you do it?

If not, your allegiance lies in a very dangerous place.

These people have lied to you in exchange for acceptance and this probably isn't the only lie they've told you.

Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to make his path clear to you and always remember, the Truth shall set you Free!!

Christian Soldier said @ 12/26/2003 09:17 AM CST


You've got to stop listening to the people that have fed you all these lies, and they are lies. But please, don't take my word, or anyones for that matter, on it. Read for yourself, pray for understanding and always be open to change.

I have one question for you sweetheart. If God asked you to do something that would make you unpopular in your church, could you do it?

If not, your allegiance lies in a very dangerous place.

These people have lied to you in exchange for acceptance and this probably isn't the only lie they've told you.

Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to make his path clear to you and always remember, the Truth shall set you Free!!

Christian Soldier said @ 12/26/2003 09:18 AM CST


You've got to stop listening to the people that have fed you all these lies, and they are lies. But please, don't take my word, or anyones for that matter, on it. Read for yourself, pray for understanding and always be open to change.

I have one question for you sweetheart. If God asked you to do something that would make you unpopular in your church, could you do it?

If not, your allegiance lies in a very dangerous place.

These people have lied to you in exchange for acceptance and this probably isn't the only lie they've told you.

Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to make his path clear to you and always remember, the Truth shall set you Free!!

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Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse
Family Watch
Students for Sensible Drug Policy
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Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
Forfeiture Endangers American Rights
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hemp reform::
The Hemp Industries Association
Hemp Car TransAmerica
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hemp nutrition::
Part I Hemp Seed: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source In The World
Part II Hemp Seed: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source In The World
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Medical Marijuana Facts
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