Our Most Popular Google Question - how long does marijuana stay in your system?
How long does marijuana stay in your system?

California NORML's Drug Testing Tips -
Dealing With Urinalysis on Short Notice

"While NORML strongly opposes drug use on the job, we think no one should be forced to submit to urine testing, especially for marijuana. Aside from launching a legal challenge, your best defense against urine testing is to be clean. Unfortunately, this may be difficult since urine tests may detect marijuana 1-5 days after an occasional use, 1-3 weeks in regular users, and 4-6 weeks in multiple daily users. Since urine tests do not detect the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana, THC, but rather other, nonactive metabolites, they in no way measure impairment; nonetheless, this fact is of no account to employers in today's anti-drug hysteria. If you are on the job market, it is prudent to expect being tested and avoid marijuana. However, recognizing that many of you may face drug testing on short notice, we offer the following advice for emergencies with our best wishes (but no promises!)."


Drug test got you worried? Click here
c4cadmin op Sunday 18 December 2022 - 00:23:34
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 US Drug Agents Raid 13 medical marijuana sites
US Drug Agents Raid 13 medical marijuana sites
The latest high-profile move by U.S. Attorney Carol Lam

No one arrested for marijuana


"Absurd waste of federal law enforcement resources"
Eric E. Sterling, J.D., President of the Criminal Justice Policy
Foundation, local protest leader, said, "Washington's anthrax terrorist who
killed DC-area residents and shut down the U.S. Senate is still at large.
Cocaine is pouring into DC and cities across the country. Baltimore and
other cities are ravaged by heroin. Methamphetamine is pouring into
America's heartland from Mexico. And the DEA is raiding dispensaries where
marijuana is dispensed under state law. These raids make no sense. This is
an absurd waste of federal law enforcement resources."
Criminal Justice Policy Foundation-http://www.cjpf.org

Emergency Response to DEA Raids in San Diego
Americans For Safe Access
- [link]

jini op Tuesday 13 December 2022 - 21:04:43
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 John Lennon Would Have Cared About Jonathan Magbie
John Lennon Would Have Cared About Jonathan Magbie
Have we no John Lennon's left?

"With Lennon, rock had become revolutionary -- and for real. He
and Yoko took part in demonstrations, they campaigned for a
public inquiry into the case of James Hanratty, convicted of
murder and hanged in the early 1960s... they marched for the IRA
[Irish Republican Army] and they called for help for striking
Excerpt from "Who Killed John Lennon?" by Fenton Bresler

Who Was Jonathan Magbie?

US DC: Column: 'Top-Floor' Treatment in DC

US DC: Mother Sues Over D.C. Inmate's Death

US DC: A Searing Portrait of Abuse

US TX: Column: Meddling Federal Lawmakers Share Blame In Senseless MediPot Death

US DC: Report Clears DC Judge of Misconduct in Inmate Death

Where is our John Lennon in the music industry?

It seems that John Lennon was out on his politically active limb alone... 25 years later, as the war on drugs has become increasingly oppressive, the wealth and the social and political power of the music industry has grown. But there are few Lennons in the mix, if there are any at all. Perhaps Willie Nelson.

Many in the music world use marijuana, a number of them openly, yet have a privileged immunity from the consequences that their fans do not - a hostile society intolerant of their existence, demanding:

� arrest

� incarceration

� drug testing

� forfeiture or property

� the abdication of families

and sometimes even death,

� Peter McWilliams

Clayton Helriggle

� Jonathan Magpie

In Honor the 25th anniversary of John Lennon's death

Those in the music industry that serve the cannabis using subculture needs to come out in strong, active defense of this fan base. What can they do?

� Have a "Legal Aid" benefit tour and special release albums for legal defense of cannabis users.

� Make rock revolutionary again, release songs with pro-reform messages.

� Financially support and give exposure to drug policy reform groups such as Common Sense for Drug Policies, [link] DrugSense, [link] and NORML, [link]
that are actively working to change the marijuana laws.

� Run for office. Arnold did. Turn a fan base into a voter base.

Every voice is needed in the decriminalization effort, and we need to hear from those whose voices are the best known.
c4cadmin op Thursday 08 December 2022 - 18:06:07
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