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Fri Oct 13 2006, 05:59
Registered Member #358
Joined: Fri Oct 13 2006, 05:56
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did jesus grow his own weed or did he buy it from peter before the %^$#! hit the fan

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Sat Oct 14 2006, 12:48
Registered Member #160
Joined: Tue Feb 14 2006, 10:44
Posts: 12
If you thought about it for a second, you'd realize the answer is pretty much common sense.

1. Was Jesus a farmer?

2. Would Peter have even charged Jesus?

3. Were fans even around in biblical times?
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Sir Les
Sat Oct 14 2006, 08:02
Registered Member #200
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I believe Jesus sowed seed on the mount of Olives in a secret part of the garden, Just before he was betrayed...Doing the will of God, and completing the garden service sinlessly.

Thus "Those who do the will of my father shall enter heaven"
Genesis 2:15...Acts 3:21

[ Edited Sat Oct 14 2006, 08:03 ]
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Sun Oct 15 2006, 06:01
Registered Member #11
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once He walked by a plant that didn't have any buds, and He was like, "Never bear fruit again."

So I think the better question is will you be bearing fruit when the Lord comes by

The LORD is my strength, I will not faint from exhaustion.
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Sun Oct 15 2006, 06:02
Registered Member #11
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That's why I always try to keep a piece of fruit handy...

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Thu Feb 22 2007, 11:04
Registered Member #461
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I'm almost speechless... This thread is full of propaganda and conjectures. Do you guys really believe these things about Jesus?
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Saved Sinner
Thu Feb 22 2007, 05:53

Registered Member #197
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So how's your day, judge?

Jesus Made Pot!
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Saved Sinner
Thu Feb 22 2007, 05:58

Registered Member #197
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You remind me of the Pharisees that scolded Jesus and the disciples for picking grain on the Sabbath. We are not under the Law, we are under grace. Cannabis was never declared unclean, and it would of been maid clean now, if it had. Are you getting paid? Working for Uncle Sam? Propaganda warrior?

Jesus Made Pot!
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Saved Sinner
Thu Feb 22 2007, 06:04

Registered Member #197
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Posts: 311
You should go to Google video and watch The History of Cannabis. It was used way before Christ was on earth and was not prohibited until the 20TH century. You can bet He wore it, ate it, and no telling what else. So did your ancestry, like it or not. Nothing wrong with hemp, except it'll take profits from corporations and give it and jobs to people. Let's use the churches to prohibit it so they have to buy oil and medicines from the rich.

Jesus Made Pot!
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Thu Feb 22 2007, 06:30
Registered Member #11
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Personally, I don't buy the sacrament argument at all. But the word study on "Kaneh Bosm" is really interesting. it means (according to the ISBE) two distinct things. 1. a cane or reed, and 2. some sort of sweet smelling stuff.

Here's a link to a previous discussion

I can only think of one reed that's got sweet smelling stuff...

But no, I don't think food or drink have any effect on my spiritual life, nor do I believe Jesus smoked pot.

[ Edited Thu Feb 22 2007, 08:40 ]

The LORD is my strength, I will not faint from exhaustion.
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