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What is the purpose of this website?
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Moderators: c4cadmin, jini
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Sun Jan 29 2006, 04:40
Registered Member #23
Joined: Tue Oct 04 2005, 09:19
Posts: 15
This is something I wonder since years. This website is like an abandoned house in the desert and it seems like no administrator ever bothers to respond to actualities or even bother to approve links that members add to the links section.

WHY is this site online? What is "Christians for Cannabis" ACTUALLY DOING FOR THE CAUSE??

Why do I fail to find a GOAL and a PURPOSE on this site?


Please answer these questions, I'm de founder of THC Ministry Amsterdam and we work very hard to get some communication going with Christians for Cannabis but untill now with no success.

Why do you guys have this website if you don't even bother about what is happening around you?


<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited ]</span>
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Wed Feb 01 2006, 08:40
Registered Member #23
Joined: Tue Oct 04 2005, 09:19
Posts: 15
Another question, why are the forums hidden from public? Are we hiding something? Are we ashamed for our opinion to be read by others?

As there is no soul around here that replies to questions, I have published an article on the THC Ministry Glogal Community Forums where I ask the same questions as in the above post, at least we have a living community there and this website and its purpose will be discussed in a place that is open for public.

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Wed Feb 01 2006, 01:15

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Nov 23 2004, 10:50
Posts: 47
I understand your frustrations. As the one person that maintains this site I am the only one that can answer your questions.

The purpose of this sight is to educate visitors as to what the war on drug users is really about. In that effort this site has been successful. I track all incoming and outgoing links and people are getting to the necessary information to make educacted choices.

In reference to links, I admit I am very cautious about llnks that are endorsed by this site. I mean you no offense, but coming from a conservative Christian background I am aware of what can invalidate the credibility of this site. There are many links that I have not included at this point, but I have been working on a friends page where links to sites such as THC Ministry will be included.

For a one person project, with no non profit status, no budget, no funding, I am extremely pleased with the impact CforC has made and give God the credit.

Additionally, I have been meaning to make my intro in the forum, but life continuously calls - five children, four of them teenagers, two of them homeschooled and a husband to tend to makes my availability somewhat limited. Add to that one phone line and one computer, and the success that CforC is is nothing less than a miracle to me - a mailing list with almost 500 subscribers, the new membership site with almost 150 members and national recognition from, The WallStreet Opinion Journal, the mention by Jay Leno on the Tonight show and the hundreds of radio interviews leaves me no doubt that the site is making an impact.

I am sorry that you are dissatisfied with the lack of participation on my part, but I have purposely tried not to make this site about me, but about the issue, as it should be.

The forums are only available to the members of this site to avoid the many debates that occur on other forums.

I hope you continue to extend me grace that you feel that I do not deserve and continue to contribute to these forums.

love and peace,
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Wed Feb 01 2006, 09:19

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Nov 23 2004, 10:50
Posts: 47
As an afterthought Ferre I wanted to be sure to point out in case you missed it that the mission or hope for the site is stated on the opening page

The most important mission for the CforC site is not only to advance the cause of making marijuana legal again, but to also feed the sheep that have long been neglected by the mainstream church. Jesus asked Peter multiple times "Do you love me" and Peter replied "Yes Lord. Jesus' response was "The feed my sheep" [link]

love and peace,
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 04:17
Registered Member #87
Joined: Thu Dec 01 2005, 08:10
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I personally think that what CforC is totally different than what THC Ministries is. In my opinion Thc Ministries is using MJ as a false idol. I personally i have never read a passage in the Bible that says by getting high you can get closer to God. There were a lot of asumptions(sp) made to get to that point. CforC seems to have a more educational goal in regards to the church. The more educated christians are about the use of MJ the more likely they are not to reject it's use. About the annointing Oil.....if read more into exodus it clearly is referring to old testament law and says not to make and use the holy oil
"32 Do not pour it on men's bodies and do not make any oil with the same formula. It is sacred, and you are to consider it sacred. 33 Whoever makes perfume like it and whoever puts it on anyone other than a priest must be cut off from his people." That's just my 2 cents on the whole thing
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 06:54
Registered Member #9
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Don't let these guys bother you Jini. The fact that they came to you, acknowledges your accomplishment.
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 07:21
Registered Member #23
Joined: Tue Oct 04 2005, 09:19
Posts: 15
Jini, we can go both ways with this, now the discussion has been opened, we can see how we can work together and find solutions for the frictions that have occured, or we can look at this as an "attack".

I pesonally am not looking for another fight within the cannabis community but to accomplish communication and a way to work together, it's up to you.

My post was indeed born out of frustration of the fact that I, as a regular visitor and member of Christians for Cannabis since years, failed to see any 'direction' and that this site is not taken care off as it should.

I do recognize the difficulties when you have no time for it due to private circomstances and understand that it's the reason why this site doesn't get updated and looks like it's abandoned for both visitors and members.

However, wouldn't it be great to find a solution for that problem?

And about those links, I am NOT upset that there is no link to thc ministries on this site, I am upset that this site ignores every single religious group that uses Cannabis as Sacrament.

What about Rastafarians for example?

Are those religions "not worthy" of mentioning?
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Thu Feb 02 2006, 01:25AM ]</span>
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 07:27
Registered Member #23
Joined: Tue Oct 04 2005, 09:19
Posts: 15
And at another note, We at THC Ministries DO NOT see people as being "sheep", we have respect for their individuality and personalities, refering to people as being sheep is not very flattering now is it?
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 07:30

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Nov 23 2004, 10:50
Posts: 47

Thank you for your input. You brought up something that I have always firmly believed - If the Christian community actually knew the truth about the war on drugs, the use of cannabis and the devastating affect that these unjust laws have on cannabis users, that they would immediately cease their support which would lead us to the ultimate goal of ending the criminalization of all cannabis users.
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 07:46

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Nov 23 2004, 10:50
Posts: 47
Hello my old friend and first CforC supporter, it is always good to hear from you. Your long standing support and encouragement from the beginning has been invaluable to the CforC site and to me as well.

As always, I hope you and yours are doing wonderfully.

Much love, peace and prayers,

dougkeenan wrote ...
Don't let these guys bother you Jini. The fact that they came to you, acknowledges your accomplishment.

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