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What is the purpose of this website?
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Moderators: c4cadmin, jini
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 08:24
Registered Member #9
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FWIW I don't see their approach as an "attack" so much as an impassioned appeal for peace and unity within the cannabis community(ies). I hope we're all for that.
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 08:38
Registered Member #23
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Funny how reply to people who lick your boots but you avoid to talk to me Jini, why is that?

And yes, this IS a passionate attempt to get some cooperation going, please take off your battle dress and start communicating.

<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Thu Feb 02 2006, 02:41AM ]</span>
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 08:45
Registered Member #9
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"People who lick your boots?" Here's a clue from the clue bucket: Insults are not a good way to talk down tensions. Perhaps your intentions aren't so "pure" after all - in which case you don't deserve Jini's attention.

But by now you sure have mine.
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 08:55
Registered Member #23
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Good, I'm glad that someone at least notices what I write on here. :)

Now tell me, do you know why she only replies to people who show clearly that they are "on her side"?

Maybe I lack some diplomacy, but being ignored like she did with those posts is that not an insult itself?
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 08:56
Registered Member #23
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Can't we get some communication going?
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 09:25
Registered Member #9
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We are communicating. The question is whether you intend it to grow more peaceful or not. This is the house that she built, and we all are her guests here. No one makes you stay.

As busy as she is, I'm not surprised to see her reluctant to reply to someone who threatens, however obliquely, her accomplishment.

"Maybe we should make a bid on their site, we could make it into a much more usefull tool to fight prohibition and serve Christians who use Cannabis than they have done the past years. Maybe we should buy it." -Ferre

Do you deny saying this? Perhaps it has been misinterpreted?
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 10:44
Registered Member #147
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balderama wrote ...
I personally think that what CforC is totally different than what THC Ministries is. In my opinion Thc Ministries is using MJ as a false idol. I personally i have never read a passage in the Bible that says by getting high you can get closer to God. There were a lot of asumptions(sp) made to get to that point. CforC seems to have a more educational goal in regards to the church. The more educated christians are about the use of MJ the more likely they are not to reject it's use. About the annointing Oil.....if read more into exodus it clearly is referring to old testament law and says not to make and use the holy oil
"32 Do not pour it on men's bodies and do not make any oil with the same formula. It is sacred, and you are to consider it sacred. 33 Whoever makes perfume like it and whoever puts it on anyone other than a priest must be cut off from his people." That's just my 2 cents on the whole thing

I appologize in advance, but you are deftly misinformed. The THC Ministry is a NON-DENOMINATIONAL oraganization promoting the use and GOD MANDATED RIGHT for individuals of ANY religion that view cannabis as a Holy Sacrament.

Further if Exodus 30:32 is the end all factor on the Holy Oil issue for you then you must be in the wrong forum, as you must essentially be Jewish for that to be the case. If you were a Christian or have bothered to read the New Testament at all you'd note that Jesus sent the appostles out to annoint all that would be annointed. According to the scripture of the New Testament we are all both kingly and ordained in the eyes of God. That is why you ARE christian, a word thats very meaning is "the annointed", as opposed to being Jewish.

You may want to pull up the wool the Catholic church has draped over your eyes brother...

This is the very reason why Ferre asks what purpose this site has, as it is not active in the ever developing research and developments in this particular arena of cannabis in religion. One that of all people, 'Christians for Cannabis' should find particularly important.

The admin chooses to link to NORML instead of informative articles on the actaul topic of cannabis in christianity, and main focus of the site in general is geared towards the drug war and reform instead of content that may actually be of use to Christians that are coming here looking for information of cannabis in their religion. We should be working together to promote awareness and further this type of important research, and Ferre's point (I believe), is that in its current state this site would be best marketed as a local NORML chapter then an actual community of 'Christians for Cannabis'.

'Just my 2 cents'
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 10:52
Registered Member #147
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dougkeenan wrote ...
We are communicating. The question is whether you intend it to grow more peaceful or not. This is the house that she built, and we all are her guests here. No one makes you stay.

As busy as she is, I'm not surprised to see her reluctant to reply to someone who threatens, however obliquely, her accomplishment.

"Maybe we should make a bid on their site, we could make it into a much more usefull tool to fight prohibition and serve Christians who use Cannabis than they have done the past years. Maybe we should buy it." -Ferre

Do you deny saying this? Perhaps it has been misinterpreted?

I think more then anything Ferre is trying to do whatever he can to evoke any sort of response. Its clearly working, this site was essentially devoid of pulse before hand and now this thread has more views and brought more traffic then any other.

You speak of accomplishment, but the hole point is that although the site has done SOMETHING, it is not progressing. The admin built the house, and kudos for the effort, but its hardly doing anything for the front lines of cannabis in Christianity. That is why Ferre suggested the site be bought out, so that the domain may be put to use by a site that would be truer to the domain, a site presenting information on cannabis in Christianity rather then aiming 'to serve the subculture'.

<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Thu Feb 02 2006, 04:53AM ]</span>
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 11:01
Registered Member #9
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So why not just introduce a thread discussing that subject, correcting the omission, instead of issuing threats? (And I agree, the study of "the actual topic of cannabis in Christianity" is a valuable one.) Was such a thread started and I missed it? Or was it easier just to come out swinging?

Those who "do whatever he can to evoke any sort of response" use the tactics of a troll and might reconsider their approach. I'm not saying Ferre is or isn't, just that aggression is a poor way to say hello.
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Thu Feb 02 2006, 11:02
Registered Member #147
Joined: Thu Feb 02 2006, 10:16
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I'd like to make clear that all things aside, we are all brothers and sisters, surely we can all agree to that. Lets work together that cooler heads may prevail and a beautiful partnership may be formed, rather then a another internet flame war.

In this nature I appologize to balderama if my original post is seen as being overly harsh, I was merely frustrated as Ferre is that because this site is lacking crucial information on the topic its domain represents, people like yourself are not presented with the full information and up to date research on cannabis' role in Christianity.

Peace and love,
Rev. Brian
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