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What is the purpose of this website?
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Moderators: c4cadmin, jini
Author Post
Carol Hartley
Thu Jul 13 2006, 11:34
Registered Member #292
Joined: Tue Jul 11 2006, 01:04
Posts: 9
All I know is that this website is a lifeline for me. I was encouraged to join another locally, and it was nothing, but a loud party. I have nothing against it if that's your thing, but I am sick a lot, and wanted quiet discussion with like-minded people. This is the next best thing.
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Fri Jul 14 2006, 06:17
Registered Member #11
Joined: Sun Sep 18 2005, 10:18
Location: Hemet, Ca
Posts: 965
I know the Lord's building this house.
I draw strength form this site. every time I hear encouragement to back down from my Brothers and Sisters it tears me up. then I come here and remember that I'm not alone... Emmanuel! I know the Lord's buuilding this house!

The LORD is my strength, I will not faint from exhaustion.
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Saved Sinner
Wed Sep 20 2006, 04:12

Registered Member #197
Joined: Thu Mar 30 2006, 06:25
Posts: 311
No kidding!

Jesus Made Pot!
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Wed Sep 20 2006, 05:53
sorry it took so long.
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Wed Sep 20 2006, 05:58
Registered Member #9
Joined: Tue Aug 09 2005, 05:38
Location: Indianapolis IN
Posts: 10
No sweat. :-)
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Saved Sinner
Sat Sep 23 2006, 04:04

Registered Member #197
Joined: Thu Mar 30 2006, 06:25
Posts: 311
Please stop posting ads here.

Jesus Made Pot!
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Saved Sinner
Sat Sep 23 2006, 04:59

Registered Member #197
Joined: Thu Mar 30 2006, 06:25
Posts: 311
Thanks! You are so kind!

Jesus Made Pot!
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Sun Sep 24 2006, 03:54
jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs
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Sun Sep 24 2006, 04:10
music music music music music music music music music music music
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Sun Sep 24 2006, 04:24
digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital digital
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