Top Ten Reasons Marijuana Should Be Legal - HighTimes on Alternet DrugReporter

"Prohibition has failed to control the use and domestic production of marijuana -- it's time everyone faced this and the rest of the compelling arguments for legalizing it."
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Drug War News
Drug Truth Network Update: Cultural Baggage + Century of Lies + 4:20 Drug War NEWS
Half Hour Programs, Live Fridays... at 90.1 FM in Houston & on the web at

Hundreds of our programs are available online at, and at We provide the "unvarnished truth about the drug war" to scores of broadcast affiliates in the US and Canada.,

Cultural Baggage for 09/14/07 Dr. Stanton Peele author "Addiction-Proof Your Child" + Drug War Facts MP3

Century of Lies for 09/14/07 Paul Armentano, Jack Cole &Russ; Jones of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition + Alexis Baden-Meyer of VoteHemp & Poppygate MP3

4:20 Drug War NEWS 09/17/07 to 09/23/07 now online (3:00 ea.):
Monday 09/17/07 Dr. Stanton Peele author "Addiction-Proof Your Child" 1 of 2

Tuesday 09/18/07 Dr. Stanton Peele 2 of 2

Wednesday 09/19/07 Drug War Facts with Doug McVay

Thursday 09/20/07 Paul Armentano of NORML

Friday 09/21/07 Jack Cole, Dir. of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Saturday 09/22/07 LEAP member Russ Jones

Sunday 09/23/07 Poppygate Report with Glenn Greenway + Editorial

NEXT Friday: )

- Cultural Baggage 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM MT & 5 PM PT. Jacob Sullum, Sr. Editor Reason

- Century of Lies 2 PM ET, 1 PM CT, Noon MT & 11 AM PT. TBD

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Please become part of the solution, visit our website: for links to the best of reform.

"Once we remove these charlatans from positions of power, other social changes will become much easier." - Reverend Dean Becker, Drug Truth Network Producer

c4cadmin op Tuesday 18 September 2022 - 08:50:46
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