Radar Magazine Online's - Jesus Saves, Dude

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the recent coverage at Radar Magazine Online. ChristiansForCannabis.Com is the effort of one part time volunteer, that is also a full time wife and mother of five, three teens 18, 16 and 15 and two pre-teens, 12 and 10. A large portion of my time is spent instructing, refereeing, driving, grocery shopping, cleaning and cooking, as well as waiting for my turn on the computer and dial up connection, probably in that order. I spend more time keeping people out of the refrigerator than I do searching it. In fact, I don't search it at all, I do all the shopping so I know what is in there.

While I am not always pleased with the amount of time I am able to spend on the CforC site, I am encouraged that God honors even my less than stellar efforts, like being mentioned by Radar Magazine Online. With little time and virtually no funds to invest, the site is graciously hosted by Drug Policy Central, www.drugpolicycentral.com, after four years, some one still finds it of interest in some way or the other bringing the issue of drug policy reform to the screens of those that may not come across it at all, encouragement to those that have been marginalized by society due to current drug policies, and the focus on the stellar efforts of those that can commit a full time effort, though not without sacrifice such as, Mark Greer, Richard Lake, Matt Elrod and Ashley Clements of the Media Awareness Project, www.mapinc.org, Kevin Zeese, Robert Field and Doug McVay of Common Sense For Drug Policies, www.csdp.org and Cliff Shaffer of the Shaffer Library of Drug Policy, www.druglibrary.org.

I look forward to the day in the not so distant future when there will be no need for a Christian drug policy reform site and those that have brought the drug policy reform movement so far on so little will be able to make even greater contributions to the issues that present true harm to our society.

love and peace,
jini op Tuesday 18 October 2022 - 11:29:01
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