Most Adults Feel Accepted by God, But Lack a Biblical Worldview

George Barna, whose acclaimed book Think Like Jesus described the core elements of a biblical worldview in laymen�s terms, noted that the religious books of greatest influence in the past several years have not addressed people�s fundamental theological views. �Most of the bestsellers have focused on meaning, purpose, security and the end times,� the researcher pointed out. �While there have been theological views expressed in those books, very few popular books have helped people to think clearly and comprehensively about their core theology. Consequently, most born again Christians hold a confusing and inherently contradictory set of religious beliefs that go unchecked by the leaders and teachers of their faith community.�
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c4cadmin op Tuesday 09 August 2023 - 06:08:37
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 Free Loren Pogue!
Loren Pogue has served twelve years of a twenty-two year sentence. He is sixty-eight years old.A philanthropist, husband, father of 27 children (15 adopted), missionary,
Air Force veteran, VFW, Mason, Shriner, founder of an orphans' home,
and American Legion and Lion's Club member, Loren Pogue was sentenced
to 22 years for "cocaine conspiracy", even though he never bought, sold,
smuggled, used, held, or even saw any drugs. He was the unwitting
victim of a reverse sting operation.
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c4cadmin op Wednesday 08 December 2022 - 07:26:19
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