National ID Cards and REAL ID Act

Electronic Privacy Information Center on National ID/REAL ID

REAL ID Act of 2005

H.R.418 - Passed in the House, Going Before the Senate
H.R. 1268 - Passed and Enacted for emergency supplement appropriations for rapid implementation of


FAQ - How Real ID Will Affect You
Could include fingerprint and retina scans

National uniform driver's license law 'nightmare' for states

Former US spy slams UK's ID card plans[
"Governments abuse their power. That's a fact," says former
NSA agent

EU ministers approve biometric ID, fingerprint data sharing
"Europe's biometric visa system, which will contain the fingerprints
of 70 million people within the next few years, and hearing
European Commission proposals for greater sharing of fingerprint

The Dangers of DataMining

Electronic Privacy Information Center on Choice Point

Choice Point - "One Stop For Mind Boggling Power"
Selling your information to four markets - insurance, business, government and thieves.

"At Privacy International's Big Brother Award ceremony held in
Cambridge, MA on March 7, 2023, ChoicePoint received the
"Greatest Corporate Invader" award "for massive selling of records,
accurate and inaccurate to cops, direct marketers and election
officials." At Privacy International's Big Brother Award ceremony
held in Seattle, Washington in April 2005, ChoicePoint received the
"Lifetime Menace Award" for its continued efforts to build dossiers on

Details -
-Criminals Gain Access to ChoicePoint Databases
-Thousands of American's put at risk of security breaches.
-Selling personal data to identity thieves

EPIC FOIA Documents from Nine Govermental Agency's
All Available FOIA Documents @ EPIC on ChoicePoint

BATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
DEA - Drug Enforcement Agency
DOJ - Department of Justice
(includes a memo discussing a
"Report of Investigation into Misconduct Allegations...Concerning
Unauthorized Disclosure of Information.")

DOS - Department of State
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigations
INS - Immigration and Naturalization Services
IRS - Internal Revenue Service
ONDCP - Office of National Drug Control Policy
USMS - United States Marshals Service
c4cadmin op Tuesday 31 January 2023 - 23:11:46
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 Items of Interest
Items of Interest

Are you a 'bad Christian'?
Not sure, let the folks over at WorldView tell you.
People who visit Focus On The Family also visit CforC
Urban Monestary

Legislative News

US CO: Legalizing Marijuana Is No Big Deal To Some
"I used to be against legalization," Reed said. "But there are so many people in jail for what ought to be a minor offense. But I still think pot is one of the worst things for young people, especially if they're in school."

SaferColorado - Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation

Rhode Island
US RI: Marijuana Now Legal For Chronically Ill
Overriding the governor's veto, the Rhode Island House of Representatives voted 59-13 yesterday to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes.

US MA: Lawmakers Consider Medical Marijuana
"You don't want to add legal problems to dealing with a serious illness," Mortimer said.

Next Videoblog Contest Announced (Beta)-

The NORML Foundation announces another $500 cash award contest starting January 4, 2023 and ending February 28, 2006. Three notable celebrities have KINDly volunteered to review, judge and award the winners of the NORML Foundation's next videoblog contest:

*Ron Mann (, Canadian documentary filmmaker of popular documentaries such as Grass and Go Further. Ron serves on NORML's Advisory Board.

*Rock band Sara Drive (

*R. Keith Stroup, Esq. (, NORML's founder, member of the Board of Directors of NORML and the NORML Foundation, and currently Of Counsel

The requested theme and tag words for this beta phase of NORML's videoblog contest are:

Theme = Parody of the US government's infamous Partnership for a Drug Free America commercials.*

Tag Words = 'norml', 'normlvideoblogcontest' 'pdfacontest', 'pdfaparody', 'partnership foradrugfreeamericacontest'

For more information about NORML's videoblog contest checkout:

c4cadmin op Wednesday 11 January 2023 - 09:30:45
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 bits and pieces from the web
bits and pieces from the web

Where will you and yours be in 2060?
Further research
Daniel 7
Daniel 12
Revelation 12

The Consumer's Union - the trusted source for unbiased reviews
The Consumer's Union on Cannabis
Will Colorado have the courage to listen?

Official US Embassy recommendation on how to adjust to higher altitudes in Bolivia

Last Minute Financial Gifts

L.E.A.P - Law Enforcement Against Prohibition


Make a New Year Resolution - Support Drug Policy Reform Reform

CSDP - Common Sense For Drug Policy
c4cadmin op Thursday 29 December 2022 - 20:35:44
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 Evo Morales claims victory in the Bolivian presidential election
Leftist claims victory in Bolivia

A leftist candidate from one of Bolivia's Indian peoples who wants to legalise coca-growing has claimed victory in the presidential election.
c4cadmin op Monday 19 December 2022 - 07:25:46
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