Quick. You need help. Desperately. Get out the yellow pages, or do a web
search. Look under "people to tell you what to think."

Don't find it? Maybe it's in the government pages?

Oops. Sorry for the bother. You've already hired someone to tell you what to
think. He's called the Drug Czar. His job, paid for with your tax dollars, is
to tell you what to think about national drug policy.

That's it. That's all. That's what the Drug Czar does. He tells you what to

Aren't you relieved?

As you go about your labors today put a smile on your face. You're working,
in part, to pay for that guy you hired to tell you what to think about our
nation's narcotics laws. Isn't it comforting? Just think how confused you'd
be without that Drug Czar guy to do the heavy mental lifting for you.

What's that you say? You didn't know you hired someone to do that? You don't
need it? You don't like the name "Czar?" You won't have a smile on your face
as you labor to pay his salary?

Well, perhaps you just need more information. Don't you know that this guy
lobbies state legislatures to keep them from passing drug laws the federal
government doesn't like? And don't you know that this guy works hard to
defeat medical marijuana initiatives, and keep voters from voting the wrong
way? Isn't that worth something to you?


Well, then perhaps you'll want to know that there are some in Congress who
want to fire the guy and close his office. In fact, his job is up for renewal
right now, and there's legislation that would send the Czar packing. You
might want to let your representatives know that you don't need no stinking
Drug Czar. If you feel so moved, you can send your message here,

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Perry Willis
Communications Director
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.
c4cadmin op Friday 21 July 2023 - 12:55:35
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 Seeing Jesus in a Tornado
Since my mother's passing at the end of April, there have been many adjustments and readjustments to make to our lives and we have done a lot of remembering. One of the things that came to mind, just the day before yesterday, was the family picture of Jesus in a tornado.

It had been a few years since I had seen it and I wanted to see it again. The photograph was re-discovered the next day, yesterday, as we were rearranging the living room. I uploaded it unedited, so the nicks and dings are visible, like the light blue spot in the lower left hand corner and a scratch in the middle, but the picture is the same as it was when I first saw it twenty years ago or so. Since then, other images have been discovered in the picture as family and friends have viewed it from alternative perspectives.

The photograph came to my family back in the early 1980's, maybe even the late 1970's. Photographer and location are unknown to me, thus I can not offer authentication. I do know that even my skeptical, depression-era grandparents took the photograph seriously and felt blessed for having seen it and it removed much of the fear I had of storms as a young teenage girl living in tornado alley.

Incredibly, this is not the only photograph where Jesus is seen in a tornado. Among visitors top favorite pages over at Java for Jesus, is a more recent picture of Jesus in a tornado

Larger Image

[ Read the rest ... ]
c4cadmin op Thursday 13 July 2023 - 11:45:37
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 In Memory
Drug War Victims @ DrugWarRant.com

Clayton Helriggle

Victims of the Drug Free America Foundation, formerly known as Straight Inc. @

The Agitator - Drug War Casualties

TheStraights.Com -Suicide or Murder
c4cadmin op Monday 29 May 2023 - 12:14:40
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 It's Just a Plant
It's Just a Plant - a children's story of marijuana

About the Book

The Story


Press and Reviews
c4cadmin op Wednesday 22 March 2023 - 09:10:45
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