The Other 'War' We Keep On Losing
� 2006 Washington Post Writers Group
By Neal Peirce

Pick your week or month, the evidence keeps rolling in to show
this country's vaunted "war on drugs" is as destructively misguided as
our cataclysmic error in invading Iraq.

There are 2.2 million of Americans are behind bars, another 5
million on probation or parole, the Justice Dept. reported Nov. 30. We
exceed Russia and Cuba in incarcerations per 100,000 people; in fact no
other nation comes close. The biggest single reason for the expanding
numbers? Our war on drugs -- a quarter of all sentences are for drug
offenses, mostly non-violent.

So has the "war" worked? Has drug use or addiction declined?
Clearly not.
c4cadmin op Sunday 10 December 2022 - 22:59:00
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 You Tube 'Free Hugs' Video


Take a few minutes if you can to view the beginning, the acceptance, the prohibition and the successful signature campaign, inspired by Juan Mann, to overturn the prohibition of free hugs. The Sickpuppies, "All the Same" lyrics, "I don't care and I wouldn't dare to fix the twist in you..." and "I'll take you for who you are, if you take me for everything" speaks volumes about love.

Please take a look and then share it with a friend.

love and peace,

You Tube - Free Hugs Video

Free Hugs Campaign
c4cadmin op Saturday 09 December 2022 - 22:04:57
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 A Drug War Carol
A Drug War Carol in English, French, Spanish and Porguegese
c4cadmin op Saturday 02 December 2022 - 09:51:18
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