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Brand New in Christ and still for marijuana
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Fri Aug 27 2010, 12:54
Registered Member #1207
Joined: Fri Aug 27 2010, 12:34
Posts: 2
Hi everyone! I am a nubie to the max. I've never even blogged. I saw this site and want to see what other believers and followers of Christ Jesus say about this subject. I currently have an Rx for medical use and have actually been smoking MJ since I was 12 (yes, too young but hey, I'm from NY born in the early 60's). Have used to a minor degree daily ever since.
Can anyone direct me to the best place to connect with other Jesus freaks like me that want to take this "drug" stigma and turn it around somehow? I've been praying for this site and today had the idea to just peak around. Thanks to all that understand my excitement and blabbing via blog. I have many ideas and experience but want to hear others' points of view.
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Sat Aug 28 2010, 12:39
Registered Member #11
Joined: Sun Sep 18 2005, 10:18
Location: Hemet, Ca
Posts: 971
welcome and God bless you!

there's not many Christians that support pot law reform, but it's changing. The Scriptures are very sharp on the subject, and so is theology proper. We just need to encourage Christians to read their Bibles when we discuss pot law.- In nearly 20 years on this trip, that is what I have concluded as far as the best solution to the problem goes: for Christians to read their Bibles daily. If we do that, the error will disintegrate from the mind, we won't see Christians condemning others for smoking pot if they read the Bible daily.

If you attend a Church, my advice is to try to avoid confusion and "schisms" about it. Holy Spirit is not the author of confusion. Contentions about this nonessential subject can undermine the foundations of solid, real relationships in the Church body, and that's not good for you or anyone. But at the same time that can't be pressed too far, because being free to believe is at the heart of Christianity- in a sense, it is your duty to communicate your thoughts and feelings within the Church, because your thoughts and fellings are a part of the Church body as well.- but that can't be pressed too far either, everything must be done in love, that's the big umbrella command.
But if you can get into a Church and grow with them spiritually, it's a real good thing, and it feels good and right too.

As far as finding other Christians of the same mind about it, this is it. I keep thinking "God's got a remnant", like He told Elijah, I tell myself someday I'll come across a Church that sees the same things, but I've not found it yet. This forum is the only place where I have found other Christ-centered, Bible believing Christians.

-You will find a few sincere hearts here. I will do my best to give right advice and help whenever I can.

So welcome! feel free to post anything, anytime. And I will remember you in my prayers, and pray that the Lord equips your mind with a solid understanding of the Gospel, and that you take delight in receiving that knowledge from Him

The LORD is my strength, I will not faint from exhaustion.
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Tue Aug 31 2010, 09:35
Registered Member #1207
Joined: Fri Aug 27 2010, 12:34
Posts: 2
Hello... Could someone please let me know of other websites that adhere to our faith (The Word of God; The Bible) and also agree that marijuana is NOT evil, etc. I really need to talk to someone about this. I've been a follower of Jesus for 13 years now. I'm in a mixed generation of faith church (a First Baptist Church).
Thanks so much.
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Wed Sep 01 2010, 04:13
Registered Member #11
Joined: Sun Sep 18 2005, 10:18
Location: Hemet, Ca
Posts: 971
I don't know of any other Website that holds to Orthodox Christian beliefs.

there's a number of "THC ministries" that are centered around pot, but this is the only one I know of that is Christ- centered

but if you happen to find one, put a link to it here.

I have found that the Word of God is the only person I can get advice from, everyone else is corrupted by the false image in their world view that pot is unfit for us to use.

but like I said, I'll do my best to be one Christian who doesn't get manipulated by the cultural values surrounding the subject, and I'll do my best to offer good free advice when I can.
-God Bless-

PS- If you sent me an email the other day, I got it. And I wanted to read what you had posted on the site here, but I can't find it anywhere.

The LORD is my strength, I will not faint from exhaustion.
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Wed Sep 01 2010, 04:15
Registered Member #11
Joined: Sun Sep 18 2005, 10:18
Location: Hemet, Ca
Posts: 971
A problem I am having is, not-so-sincere people approaching me, to basically cause frustrations.-Especialy through rumors, gossip and slander.

not everybody who pats you on the back is a friend I guess. But I believe in God, and I will follow Christ wherever he leads me.

God Bless

The LORD is my strength, I will not faint from exhaustion.
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