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a question for anyone who is currently still using this site
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Fri Mar 27 2009, 04:59
Registered Member #937
Joined: Fri Mar 27 2009, 04:07
Posts: 1
I live in California and was recently in a car accident. I am dealing with major back pain. I do not want to use the prescription pain pills that the doctors have prescribed for me because of the way they make me feel, and the possibilty of getting addicted. I enjoy smoking marijuana,or even eating baked goods with marijuana as a main ingredient. The pain is gone after I smoke or eat these things and I don't feel that I am addicted to the drug since I only use it for management of my pain. I can legally get a state issued card for the medicinal use of marijuana from a doctor.
As a christian, is it wrong for me to smoke or eat marijuana for my pain management instead of taking pills or getting injections of drugs that cause side effects?
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Fri Mar 27 2009, 11:11
Registered Member #11
Joined: Sun Sep 18 2005, 10:18
Location: Hemet, Ca
Posts: 965
how does it sit with your conscience? What do you think God would want you to do?

The LORD is my strength, I will not faint from exhaustion.
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Tue Mar 31 2009, 06:17
Registered Member #414
Joined: Fri Dec 29 2006, 11:50
Posts: 21
Sorry to hear about your accident and pain. I personally would choose cannabis over any man made "medicine". I hope and pray that you find peace with this.
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Mon Apr 06 2009, 12:14
Registered Member #696
Joined: Wed Jan 30 2008, 01:13
Posts: 38
If it's OK to take opiates with a doctor's recommendation, then why not cannabis? Both opium and cannabis have been used for thousands of years as medicine. If you're more comfortable using cannabis for pain relief, and you can get a doctor's recommendation for using it based on the reasons you explained, then I don't see a real problem.
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Tue Apr 07 2009, 05:43
Registered Member #414
Joined: Fri Dec 29 2006, 11:50
Posts: 21
Our Creator gave us herbs to use. I don't think that we need "man's" permission to use them.
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Tue Apr 07 2009, 09:57
Registered Member #11
Joined: Sun Sep 18 2005, 10:18
Location: Hemet, Ca
Posts: 965
that kind of nails it.

we have heard it said, "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar"

God didn't give pot to Caesar, He gave it to man. Cannabis is a common grace blessing given to all of mankind for his sustenance.
it's not a "submit to the law" thing, the law is powerless to accomplish prohibition;
it's more like an Esau thing- don't despise your blessings; you will surely seek them back with many sorrows and sufferings

The LORD is my strength, I will not faint from exhaustion.
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