Let Us Pay Taxes
Please sign the petition to let marijuana producers and distributors pay taxes

What is this all about?

California is in trouble (again) with its budget. As this is written (August, 2007), there are plans to cut one billion dollars from important rapid transit projects. There are also plans to cut back welfare for the elderly and disabled and to cut back drug treatment programs for prisoners. Cutting back on important programs will simply cause more problems in the future -- with higher demands on the budget.

In order to try to make up the shortfall, the state of California is in negotiations with Indian casinos for a portion of casino revenues. The amount of money to be gained is between $200 million and $500 million per year. However, this battle has been going on for years with no quick resolution in sight -- and it wouldn't fill the budget gap, anyway.

We offer a solution.

The producers and sellers of marijuana offer the state of California at least one billion dollars in additional tax revenue every year -- and nobody is arguing.

What will this do?

  • It can fill the current California budget gap all by itself. No more disputes about what to cut and the legislators can take the summer off.

  • It can fund rapid transit.

  • It can fund welfare for the elderly and disabled.

  • It can fund drug education programs in schools and other drug abuse prevention efforts.

  • It can fund prisoner treatment programs, thus reducing crime and saving even more tax dollars in the future.

  • It will stop needless prosecutions of sick people for marijuana offenses.

  • It can provide for safe and well-regulated medicinal marijuana supplies for the sick.

  • It will stop the transfer of billions of dollars per year to foreign criminal gangs.

  • It will boost local economies.

  • It will get marijuana out of the criminal underground.

  • It can provide for regulations on product quality, content and warning labels, and product liability insurance.

  • It will save billions of tax dollars currently spent on useless criminal prosecutions for marijuana.

  • It will free up police and courts for addressing real crime issues.

  • It will help the balance of foreign trade and boost the value of the dollar internationally.

The Marijuana Producers and Distributors of California make a simple request:


A sensible marijuana policy can make big changes in our society. It can produce a big reduction in government costs and a huge increase in taxes.

Please show your support and sign the petition to Let Us Pay Taxes.

Are you with the media, and you want more information? Send us an Email

Used with permission, All portions © 2007, LetUsPayTaxes.com
c4cadmin op Saturday 11 August 2023 - 22:58:48
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Johnson & Johnson said its experimental drug ustekinumab was more effective at treating the skin disease psoriasis than Amgen Inc.'s blockbuster drug Enbrel in a J&J-funded patient study.J&J, of New Brunswick, N.J., already has applied for Food and Drug Administration approval to market ustekinumab, supported by previous studies in which the drug was shown to be superior to a placebo in treating psoriasis. The newest study is unlikely to play a major role in the FDA's impending decision.The FDA is expected to decide on ustekinumab by December, having extended its review in August to allow more time to examine amendments to J&J's application. An FDA advisory committee in June recommended the drug be approved, but the agency isn't bound by the panel's advice. Analysts expect the drug, if approved, to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in sales within a few years.wow goldwow goldwow goldwow power levelingwow power levelingwow power levelingwarhammer goldwarhammer goldwarhammer goldbuy warhammer goldbuy warhammer goldbuy warhammer goldThe latest data for ustekinumab were presented Thursday at a dermatologists' meeting in Paris. In the 903-patient trial, participants with moderate to severe psoriasis received one of two dose levels of ustekinumab, or Enbrel. Lotro goldLotro goldLotro goldFfxi gilFfxi gilFfxi gilMaple story mesosMaple story mesosMaple story mesosbuy wow goldbuy wow goldbuy wow goldcheap wow goldcheap wow goldcheap wow goldThe main goal was to track the proportion of patients in each group who achieved at least a 75% reduction in psoriasis at 12 weeks, as measured by an index assessing the surface area and severity of the disease, Lotr goldLotr goldLotr goldAoc goldAoc goldAoc goldAge of conan goldAge of conan goldAge of conan gold Aoc power levelingAoc power levelingAoc power levelingwhich causes skin lesions.J&J said 68% of those taking the lower dose of ustekinumab and 74% taking the higher dose achieved at least a 75% reduction in disease, versus 57% of Enbrel users reaching that mark.cheap ffxi gilcheap ffxi gilcheap ffxi gilFinal fantasy xi gilFinal fantasy xi gilFinal fantasy xi gilFlyff penyaFlyff penyaFlyff penyaMaple story mesoMaple story mesoMaple story mesoMaplestory mesosMaplestory mesosMaplestory mesos "We've never really seen clearance [of psoriasis] along the lines of what we've seen with ustekinumab," said Alan Menter, a dermatologist with Baylor Research Institute in Dallas and one of the trial's lead investigators. Runescape goldRunescape goldRunescape goldRunescape moneyRunescape moneyRunescape moneySilkroad goldSilkroad goldSilkroad goldDr. Menter said he has conducted research funded by other psoriasis-drug manufacturers, including Amgen.Amgen spokeswoman Sonia Fiorenza said the study "does not address long-term safety" because it only lasted 12 weeks. warhammer goldwarhammer goldwarhammer goldbuy warhammer goldbuy warhammer goldbuy warhammer gold She noted Enbrel has a "consistent safety profile" and 16 years of clinical experience.Enbrel was introduced in 1998 as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.Lotro goldMaple story mesosAoc goldwarhammer goldLotro goldMaple story mesosAoc goldbuy warhammer goldwarhammer goldLotro goldMaple story mesosAoc goldwarhammer goldbuy warhammer gold Following regulatory approval for additional uses including treatment of psoriasis, it is now one of the best-selling drugs in the world, with $5.3 billion in global sales last year, according to IMS Health.
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