Moscow Police Detain 14 Marijuana March Activists

MOSCOW, May 5 (RIA Novosti) - Police in Moscow said they had detained 14 people for attempts to hold a cannabis culture parade in the city center Saturday.

"The detainees attempted to stage an unauthorized event, and were promoting narcotics," a spokesperson for Moscow's Interior Department said, adding that administrative cases could be opened against them.
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Almost sure you will be beaten, when detained. The very degrees of beating will depend on crime which you suspected to commit. If you are suspected of committing homicide, you will be severely beaten, in order to force you to confess. In Russian law system confession is very important. You should manage do not confess for three days, afterwards you will be released or will be transferred to prison. In prison during investigation you will not be beaten, they will use other means of influence on you. That because, when in prison, you will be under charge of two administrations: prison administration and team of investigators. Each will not be interested to bear responsibilities for your injuries and hematomes.
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c4cadmin op Saturday 05 May 2023 - 20:42:43
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