Coalition of Nevada Religious Leaders Support Marijuana Regulation

A statewide coalition of dozens of religious leaders throughout Nevada Tuesday announced their support for a resolution calling for the regulation of marijuana.

If passed, an initiative on the November ballot -- Question 7 -- would accomplish this by removing penalties for marijuana use by adults aged 21 and older in the privacy of their own homes, and creating a system for the legal cultivation, distribution, and sale of up to one ounce of marijuana to adults.

The full resolution can be downloaded at:

The diverse coalition of religious leaders in support of regulating marijuana represents 15 different religious denominations and includes leaders from Las Vegas, Reno, Sparks, North Tahoe, Laughlin, and Stateline.

"Finding a sensible alternative to our state's failed marijuana laws is an issue that resonates with a diverse array of Nevadans, including people of faith," said Neal Levine, campaign manager for the Committee to Regulate and Control Marijuana. "We're honored these religious leaders have chosen to speak out on this issue."

The following Nevada religious leaders support marijuana regulation:

Rev. Jerry Smith - District Superintendent, United Methodist Church, Reno

Rev. William C. Webb -- senior pastor, Second Baptist Church, Southern Baptist/Missionary Baptist, Reno

Rev. Jerry Pruess -- retired Missouri Synod Lutheran minister, Laughlin

Rev. Emmanuel Wasson III -- senior pastor, Holy Trinity AME, Las Vegas

Rev. Paul Hansen -- senior pastor, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, Las Vegas

Rev. Peter Courtney -- retired Episcopal priest, Las Vegas

Rev. Sylvester Tanner -- Faith Chapel, Church of God in Christ, Las Vegas

Rev. Gene Savoy -- International Community of Christ Church, Reno

Rev. William G. Chrystal -- senior pastor, First Congregational Church, Reno

Rev. Ivan Gunderman -- senior pastor, Christ Lutheran Church, Las Vegas

Rabbi Myra Soifer -- Temple Sinai, Reno

Rev. John Auer -- senior pastor, First United Methodist, Reno

Rev. John Emerson -- pastor emeritus, First United Methodist, Reno

Rev. Richard Van Hoosen -- retired Disciples of Christ minister, Las Vegas

Rev. Leonard Jackson -- recent former associate pastor, Holy Trinity AME, Las Vegas, former president of the Los Angeles Council of Churches, current senior advisor to the Mayor of Los Angeles and Associate Pastor, First AME Church, Los Angeles

Sister Toni Woodson -- Roman Catholic nun, Community of the Holy Spirit, Las Vegas

Rev. Carol Rudisill -- interim minister, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada, Reno

Rev. Deborah Grundman -- former Minister of Music, Sparks United Methodist Church, current executive assistant to the Bishop of the California-Nevada Conference, and Deacon

Rabbi Oren Postrel -- North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation, North Tahoe

Rev. Kurt Sortland -- senior pastor, Lakes Lutheran Church, Las Vegas

Rabbi Jonathan Freirich -- Temple Bat Yam, Stateline

Rev. Ruth Hanusa -- ELCA chaplain, Campus Christian Association, UNR, Reno

Rabbi ElizaBeth Webb Beyer, R.N., J.D. -- ethics professor, UNR, Reno

Sister Timothy Malone -- Roman Catholic nun, Community of the Holy Spirit, Las Vegas

Rabbi Craig Rosenstein -- hospice chaplain, Harbor House, Las Vegas

Rev. Greg Stewart -- recent former senior minister, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada, Reno

Rev. Paul Daniel -- recent former senior minister, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Las Vegas

Rev. David Scheuneman -- Unitarian Universalist community minister, Las Vegas

Rev. Abigail Aft -- Las Vegas

Rev. J. Stuart Wells -- recent former co-minister, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Las Vegas

Rev. Gail Wells -- recent former co-minister, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Las Vegas

Paula Povilaitis, MTS -- masters in theological studies, former teacher, Evangelical Lutheran, Reno

Rabbi Richard Schachet -- Rabbi Emeritus, Valley Outreach Synagogue, Las Vegas (recently deceased)
[Submitted by Herbmon]
c4cadmin op Sunday 15 October 2022 - 08:57:43
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