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My name is jini, editor of ChristiansForCannabis.Com. Our message board is brand new and we are anxious to fill it with discussions. So, take a moment, introduce yourself and start a topic with whatever questions and/or comments you have.

Thanks again for stopping in and God bless...:*)

love and peace,

Posted: 02-19-2002 03:19pm by jini
COMMENTS: (Total: 12)   [Add your Comment]   Re-Sort: Oldest First
Posted 04-26-2002 01:39pm by Derek Potter
Bulik -

Come on, man! Your wife and your baby are a million million times more important than getting high.

If you can't agree about it and it's hurting your wife, give it up.

As for the minister, he's a kook. Christians don't go to hell, that's the whole point of the Son of God letting himself be tortured to death.

On the other hand, God may not have "created" MJ. If you believe in instantaneous creation - take Genesis literally, then you must also believe in the Fall, that the ground would bring forth noxious plants as well as good ones because of Adam's sin. If you take it as allegorical, that's fine too but then you presumably accept evolution, in which case there's no reason to assume the plant is created for our benefit.

All psychedelics create a state of mind which is amenable to spiritual ideas. That does not mean the ideas are right. It would be very odd if God's plan of salvation involved death by torture, a radical new birth, the gift of His very own Spirit and ... a chemical that interferes with your neurotransmitters! Have you noticed that this theory of yours, that you commune so well with Jehova when high, is actually undermining one of the most precious things He has created: marriage - your own marriage?
Posted 03-11-2022 02:40am by YURI29
THANK GOD.Finally the truth comes out.Why did GOD created Men,the flora & fauna, the world in it's being and the surrounding area of SPACE( See how you wanna see it)And when we loook into our nature,we'll see that everything has its own place and that they are connected in one way or the other.Herbs are here to give flavor to our meal,This is a normal and legal use of herbs.They use it for medicines(anasthetics,anti-depressiva,etc)and many more.But ......when we are smoking in privacy of our own home(and growing in the garden),why must that be ILLIGAL,
while alcohol is a legal HARD-drugs,and (thinner then normal)it's given in the church as the "BLOOD of JEZUS" But in the end there's no meaning fighting for/over the legalasation of marihuan.The discussion is endless,and mankind will never solve the tide he created.Which faith did not created an argument over theyre beleaves and the difference between two diffent beleavers( for example... one christian and a mooslim)it will be an endless discussion over the difference between them,but in one way or another ,in most cases it will end in an endless argumental wargame.(but also in:REALITY STRIKES , & HARD!!!!!!!) so why fight about it if you know that in the end , it realy doesn't matter what you did or didn't do, it was a fight against the society,and WE lost it.
now I live in the Netherlands,and the population here is accepting it in a way,but if it will be accepted as drinking a bottle of an exclusive wine, I doubt it but hoping that if it will succeed here in a country as Holland,please continue youre crusade for it and maybe you will succeed ,annd just if was it a moral obbligation to all the illness that can be prevented by USING the beatyfull kind of "wonders"" that herbs can bring to mankind.
Peace,love and harmony CAN create a wonderfull world!!!!!!
and we are here to expand the thought,so spread it on and on and on.
from Holland with love, Yuri
Posted 03-11-2022 02:40am by YURI29
THANK GOD.Finally the truth comes out.Why did GOD created Men,the flora & fauna, the world in it's being and the surrounding area of SPACE( See how you wanna see it)And when we loook into our nature,we'll see that everything has its own place and that they are connected in one way or the other.Herbs are here to give flavor to our meal,This is a normal and legal use of herbs.They use it for medicines(anasthetics,anti-depressiva,etc)and many more.But ......when we are smoking in privacy of our own home(and growing in the garden),why must that be ILLIGAL,
while alcohol is a legal HARD-drugs,and (thinner then normal)it's given in the church as the "BLOOD of JEZUS" But in the end there's no meaning fighting for/over the legalasation of marihuan.The discussion is endless,and mankind will never solve the tide he created.Which faith did not created an argument over theyre beleaves and the difference between two diffent beleavers( for example... one christian and a mooslim)it will be an endless discussion over the difference between them,but in one way or another ,in most cases it will end in an endless argumental wargame.(but also in:REALITY STRIKES , & HARD!!!!!!!) so why fight about it if you know that in the end , it realy doesn't matter what you did or didn't do, it was a fight against the society,and WE lost it.
now I live in the Netherlands,and the population here is accepting it in a way,but if it will be accepted as drinking a bottle of an exclusive wine, I doubt it but hoping that if it will succeed here in a country as Holland,please continue youre crusade for it and maybe you will succeed ,annd just if was it a moral obbligation to all the illness that can be prevented by USING the beatyfull kind of "wonders"" that herbs can bring to mankind.
Peace,love and harmony CAN create a wonderfull world!!!!!!
and we are here to expand the thought,so spread it on and on and on.
from Hlland with love, Yuri
Posted 02-27-2002 01:29pm by Rich
I would think that there would be more hippies in the faith. Jesus preached on loving our fellow man above all else. The Bible also teach's much about the preservation of our natural resources.
Posted 02-27-2002 09:10am by bhang
Excellent site you have yourself and our Father here. My prayers have already been that it will help many see the truth.

This is the text I used on my site minus the animation. So if anyone would like to see what I'm up to in the UK and see the annimation on the second links page you can come and see what I'm up to at the bottom.

The angels are tut, tut, tutting the prohibitionists and so must,
the saints too!
Those that do not,
are hearing the another voice....

"I keep the truth protected behind a curtain of lies."
Posted 02-26-2002 05:25pm by jini
I replied to your post under a different topic re: marital difficulties and it is at the following link.;=2667&page;=1&sort;=0&rpp;=20
Posted 02-26-2002 05:10pm by jini
That is what I thought...I share many of the philosphies, but have few of the accessories...:*)

I am sure there rae many Christian hippies around, it would seem that the two could go easily together...
Posted 02-26-2002 02:57pm by Rich
I guess what I mean as hippie is. I believe in peace, love, humanitarianism, I were tie-dyes, I have a beard and long hair, I listen to classic rock, mostly reggae and Grateful Dead, I wear beads and sandals, barefoot in the summer.
Posted 02-26-2002 02:44pm by jini
Greetings Rich...:*)

I don't know if I am a hippy or not, not actually sure what the term actually means. I know the negative stereotype but I do not believe it is an actual portrayal of what a hippy is.

Maybe you could help me out with this one...?
Posted 02-26-2002 01:25pm by Rich
I understand were you are coming from. I too am a deciple of Christ and I smoke herb occassionaly. If you believe in Christ and accept Him into your heart you are going to Heaven. God has forgiven all of your sins, past, present, and future. But, there is nothing in the Bible speaking against the herb. I have seen more evil come from alcohol, which is accepted by most Christians, than I will ever see from smoking herb! But I do believe that we as Christians have the Holy Spirit living inside us, He is the interseser of our prayers. I don't believe that we need any substance to get closer to God. I'm not judging you man, just explaining my beliefs. Maybe your wife is afraid that you smoke too much and you put the herb before God and her and your baby? I don't know.
Brother Rich
Posted 02-26-2002 01:12pm by Rich
Hi! My name is Rich. Is there a lot of Christian hippies out there? I am, I guess. What scriptures do some of you out there say support the use of marijuana? I don't drink at all, I don't use any drugs. I do however, take an occassional hit off a joint. I don't consider herb to be a drug. Drug means manufactured. I don't get stoned, I just like the effects of light use. Comments?
Posted 02-25-2002 12:42pm by Bulik
I'm a Christian, baptized and I believe in Jesus deeply. I also smoke cannabis, in its natural form, the way Jehovah created it. Im married to a beautiful women who loves me and we have a 3month old baby boy. My wife is also a christian and she doesnot like the subject, i even have to hide to do my meditation. I like to smoke because I feel close to God, I talk to him so much when Im high, I think thats why he created cannabis. My wife has even written to a minister and he replied saying that I'll go to hell and that I was a criminal doing inmoralities. I think this is judgement, I feel alone, so lonely, I have everyone against me and the worst is my concience is totally clean, I dont think is a crime, nor a sin. I think that if everyone had cannabis the world would be a better place to live. She does not pay any interest in the intensive research ive done about cannabis, not even this site which has been the greatest influence to me. Please tell me what to do since I dont want to lose her, shes the best gift God has given to me, but on the other hand I comunicate and meditate with Jehovah much better when high. Hes my best friend and I feel him all the time beside me watching over me. Please help me, Im desperate.

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