Can't resist the thought of 0% financing on your new car?

Check out on the web - there may offer better deals than the dealers.

The latest gimmick is 0% dealer financing auto loans offered by car dealerships. It sounds great, but there are a few details that the dealer may forget to mention. There are many restrictions that generally go along with these special offers. Only those people with perfect credit qualify for the lowest rates - you may get lured into the dealership with thoughts of 0% financing only to later find out that you don't qualify. These rates may only be offered with short-term loans causing you to have a higher monthly payment than you can reasonably afford. You won't qualify for any cash back rebates - sometimes rebates amount to several thousand dollars that you can use on your down payment.

The biggest intangible in these 0% financing deals is that the dealer will likely be less willing to negotiate the price of the vehicle - he or she has to make up the money somewhere - it will probably be by you agreeing to a higher price tag. The final caveat to 0% dealer financing is that you will be limited cars in stock. Forget ordering just the features you want, to get the low interest rate you must be willing to purchase the models and colors of cars that are currently available on the lot.

If you're dubious of getting a car loan from your dealer, go online to check out great deals on all types of auto loans. There are numerous online banks and loan clearinghouses that can help you get the best deal on your next car loan. Many offer car loan calculators and other resources to assist you in determining your monthly payment.

Check out for the latest in auto loan information.

Copyright 2023


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Press Release: UK Laugh @ the Law Day - come have a laugh at your own expense*.
*for tax payers only

Silence is Taken as Acceptance It's time to stand-up & be counted! Saturday 1st Dec. - from 10 am Stockport

This information is in the public domain and reproduced here for press & public information.

Colin Davies, twice cleared by a jury for supplying Medicinal Cannabis, has now been remanded in custody by Stockport Magistrates. Is it the right that an ill man who has twice been cleard by the voice of the people can be locked up in jail without a full trial?

Column - Coming Out of the Closet
Editor's note -
It takes courage to admit to consuming cannabis. The risk of losing all we love and own, tends to discourage the practice. Slowly, but surely, people are growing tired. Tired of wearing the criminal label. Tired of living in pain. Tired of living in fear. The following is the first of what is hoped to be many contributions to this column.

Christians For Cannabis Update
The feedback ChristiansForCannabis has received has been heart touching and encouraging. We definitely know we are no longer alone in the sharing of the belief that the criminalization of marijuana does not have God's stamp of approval on it. From regular tokers to church goers that haven't the slightest clue as to what a marijuana plant looks like, it is obvious that the solution, criminalizaiton, to the problem of marijuana use, has bore little else but bad fruit.

Editorial: In Memory of Joey - A Testimony
Joseph Edward Vaughn, my brother, died Friday, June 3rd, 1994. He was 22. He drank, smoked pot, and gave tattoos. He liked Ozzy Osborne, KISS, Nirvana, Poison, Guns and Roses and Black Sabbath. He also liked Alan Jackson and Garth Brooks. He was a reluctant artist that could do aerial flips.

Lost in the muck and mire of contemporary Christianity and all its trappings, I took everything it told me to heart. I condemned his interests, his music, his lifestyle. Only after he was gone did I see that there is no love in condemnation. And the love that I thought I had been giving, wasn't really there.

Being Right - Has the Quest Been Forsaken?

Focusing on Focus on the Family's Myths and Facts Concerning Marijuana
Dr. Dobson, president and founder of Focus on the Family, is a recognized and respected leader of the modern day Christian community. For many he is the ultimate authority on issues facing the Christian family and his advice is generally followed.

NarcoNews Bulletin Issue #16: Live Reports From The Andes; & Blockades Renewed

December 3, 2023Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

The hard news from Bolivia is still not reported by the US press...

-- Blockades Begin Anew on Tuesday

-- The Chapare Region is Occupied by 4,000 Troops

-- Bolivian Prez Quiroga is in DC, will Meet Thurday With George W. Bush

-- Doctors and Police Join National Protest Wave

-- Transport Workers Paralyzed the Country last week

-- Narco News Announces LIVE FROM THE ANDES coverage to begin this week as
we move the newsroom to South Am�rica

They Thought They Were Free...
"What no one seemed to notice, ... was the ever widening gap ... between the government and the people. ... And it became always wider. ... the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting, it provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway ... "