A public service message from WebSeed Publishing
by Mike Adams, President & CEO, WebSeed Publishing

I urge you to support our honored Veterans this year and every year. The personal and economic freedoms we enjoy in this country are unparalleled, and none of those freedoms would be possible without the many sacrifices made by our countless heroes. As members of this society of great wealth, we owe great thanks to the many men and women who have willingly given their time, effort, and even their lives to support our way of life.

But it isn't enough to simply say so. We must act on our beliefs. Personally, I have remained very active in Veterans' benefits, regularly donating my companies' products, services or green cash to veterans' groups, particularly the Disabled American Veterans. I urge you to join in my efforts in whatever way you can: offer a donation, a small gift, a meal, even a word of thanks to those who have helped create the quality of life you enjoy today. And never get out of bed in the morning without thanking them for the remarkable society in which you find yourself each day.

That same thanks goes to the many men and women in uniform today who are engaged in American's war against terrorism. No matter what the political climate, be sure to honor the individuals. Because war itself is in no way glorious or even desirable, but the actions of those who stand for our freedoms are, no matter what the circumstances, to be honored and remembered.

God Bless America,
- Mike Adams President & CEO, WebSeed Publishing

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