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Marijuana Myths
This article debunks many of the myths regarding cannabis. Includes footnotes.

It is the view of the Commission that the punitive sanctions administered by the justice system to users of small quantities is not only unjust but is a major source of disrespect and contempt for the legal system as a whole. Moreover, the punishment meted out to such offenders has not had and is not likely to have the desired effect of a deterrent. Administering the present laws as they apply to possession and use of small quantities of ganja not only puts an unbearable strain on the relationship of the police with the communities, in particular the male youth, but also ties up the justice system and the work of the police, who could use their time to much greater advantage in the relentless pursuit of crack/cocaine trafficking.

Focusing on Focus on the Family's Myths and Facts Concerning Marijuana
Dr. Dobson, president and founder of Focus on the Family, is a recognized and respected leader of the modern day Christian community. For many he is the ultimate authority on issues facing the Christian family and his advice is generally followed.

Editorial: Family Research Council's 'Victory' in Supreme Court Ruling on Medical Marijuana
"If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably is a duck. If it does not walk like a duck or talk like a duck, it probably isn't a duck."
What exactly is FRC?

Family Night Equals Family Unity
Holding a regular Family Night is the perfect way to build unity in your family.

Idolizing the Family
I contend here that the Christian church in America today has made an idol of the family. Idolatry can be defined as the act of making a created thing an object of worship. It is no light matter to place any creature in the place of the Creator. Idolatry always takes the gifts of God and attempts to use them specifically to achieve what we want, i.e., to use them for our own comfort and/or power. Take the word "idol" and look up the verses listed under it in your concordance; this will show you how very seriously God views the matter of idolatry. It is not as though we have not been warned. We have and the warnings are heavy. Why is it such an important issue to our Creator-Redeemer? God simply says in Exodus 20:5, "for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God."

Media Advisory - Is Marijuana Really as Addictive as Heroin?
A Challenge to Federal Law Regarding Marijuana Scheduling to be Heard by the District of Columbia Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals on Tuesday, March 19th, at 9:30 am

Who Cares What the Research Says?
Does it matter what the research about corporal punishment says? Is it true that you can get research to say anything you want? The answer is common sense.

Children and Remarriage: A Family-Oriented Wedding Can Ease Youngster's Anxieties and Help Jump-Start the Blended Family
I'm going to marry Robin. Those five words spoken by Jim Pignatti sent a wave of anxiety through 11-year-old Corina Pignatti and her seven-year-old brother, Nicky. Like other children of divorce confronted with the remarriage of a parent, the youngsters were plagued by real and imagined fears. "I was afraid that when dad married Robin, I might not be considered part of the family anymore," Corina confided. Nicky was more blunt. "I figured if they had a baby, they wouldn't have much time for me."

Welcome To Family Without Frenzy
Family Without Frenzy (FWF) is dedicated to providing families with practical strategies, tips and ideas to help reduce the chaos of modern family life. The goal of this web site is to help parents relieve some of the stress and anxiety that comes with raising children - to help every family become a Family Without Frenzy.

Market Research
Taking you through the what, why, how, who, and where to get further information on market research.

Time Out Equals Individual Space
Time Out for a Family means having some space as an individual or taking the time to give one-on-one attention to a particular family member needing you or your spouse. Taking the time out doesn't mean you are putting less into the family, but that you are taking the time for indidual needs. As long as there happens to be the equal time of individual time and "Family Time", a family will not loose it's character and growth. Read on to hear more...

Osteopathic Research in Review

Additions, corrections and suggestions on links, articles and news stories here are most appreciated.

  • Pilot studies/basic research
  • Evidence based osteopathic medicine
  • Journal abstracts of osteopathic interest
  • Links to discussions of osteopathic research
  • Osteopathic research organizations

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