Arial Global Reach is a global communications firm offering one-stop solutions in global marketing and global e-commerce.

Arial Global Reach offers one-stop solutions in website translation and localization, global search engine optimization, and multilingual e-mail marketing.

Arial Global Reach uses sustainable, ethical practices to achieve high search engine rankings for their clients. They combine quality content, relevant links, audience targeting and keyword research to get your website the rankings it deserves. When you're ready to reach a global audience, you'll want your site translated into the languages of the world and you'll want to achieve high rankings in the global search engines. Arial Global Reach delivers high-end site localization combined with high-powered multilingual search engine optimization.

Arial Global Reach enables you to reach a global market with quality documentation, software interfaces and on-line content. They enhance customer perception of your technology and integrity. In addition to offering language translation services, they make sure your materials are politically correct in each target country. They have successfully completed hundreds of projects in seven years of operation, and can help you with Chinese (simplified or Traditional), Japanese, Korean, French, German, Spanish and Italian-language projects.

Arial Global Reach also offers multilingual e-mail marketing products and services that allow you to manage your own large-scale personalized multilingual e-mail campaigns. Whether you are delivering ten thousand e-mails a day or ten million, they have the technology and experience to empower you with solutions that really work.

For more information, visit the Arial Global Reach website.

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NarcoNews Bulletin Issue #16: Live Reports From The Andes; & Blockades Renewed

December 3, 2023Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

The hard news from Bolivia is still not reported by the US press...

-- Blockades Begin Anew on Tuesday

-- The Chapare Region is Occupied by 4,000 Troops

-- Bolivian Prez Quiroga is in DC, will Meet Thurday With George W. Bush

-- Doctors and Police Join National Protest Wave

-- Transport Workers Paralyzed the Country last week

-- Narco News Announces LIVE FROM THE ANDES coverage to begin this week as
we move the newsroom to South Am�rica

The War Prayer
Mark Twain apparently dictated "The War Prayer" around 1904-05; it was found after his death among his unpublished manuscripts. The actual prayer is also sometimes seen in poem form.)

The War On Drugs Is A War On People
"Do you stand beside those who are harassed and arrested because of the color of their skin? Do you sit back while your neighbors are dragged off in the middle of the night for what they choose to put into their bodies? Do you honorably and respectfully uphold the rights of others to speak their truth no matter how opposed it is to yours? And do you oppose excessive taxes even if their proceeds would line your pockets?\"

Father John Clifton Marquis on the Futility of Drug Laws in *U.S. Catholic* May 1990 (p14)
"Drug laws are a moral issue. Fifty years of drug legislation have produced the exact opposite effect of what those laws intended: the laws have created a tantalizingly profitable economic structure for marketing drugs."

Steve Kubby's Probation - Cruel and Unusual Punishment
I believe that sentencing me, when I am medically disabled and suffering from terminal cancer, two conditions that threaten my life, for misdemeanor possession of a mushroom stem and some tiny cactus buttons, not only needlessly endangers me and burdens my family, such a sentence is a violation of my Eighth Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment."

Christians Persecuting Christians - Christian Casualties Found in War on Drugs
While the date may elude that the title is an April Fool's Day joke, it is no joke. The silence from various ministries, former pastors, media outlets and even internet message boards, concerning the repeal of the current prohibitive marijuana laws has left little room for doubt. They choose to ignore the fact that Christians are at risk of arrest, incarceration and forfeiture of property, including their family, friends neighbors and even fellow church members.

Editorial: In Memory of Joey - A Testimony
Joseph Edward Vaughn, my brother, died Friday, June 3rd, 1994. He was 22. He drank, smoked pot, and gave tattoos. He liked Ozzy Osborne, KISS, Nirvana, Poison, Guns and Roses and Black Sabbath. He also liked Alan Jackson and Garth Brooks. He was a reluctant artist that could do aerial flips.

Lost in the muck and mire of contemporary Christianity and all its trappings, I took everything it told me to heart. I condemned his interests, his music, his lifestyle. Only after he was gone did I see that there is no love in condemnation. And the love that I thought I had been giving, wasn't really there.

Family Research Council Misses Mark on Medicinal Marijuana
"The marijuana prohibition has made criminals out of normal every day citizens, which is immoral in and of itself. But to support laws that withholds necessary medicine from those suffering from fatal and debilitating illnesses goes beyond immoral to shameful and heinous."