Earn a college degree online � new trends in higher education

Learn about online education at People seeking a degree online have options these days � from earning your college degree online to getting an MBA degree there is almost no need to leave your home or office. You can earn an online college degree without having to attend classes in the same amount of time or less than traditional college course work. Some professionals are interested in advancement in their current job or perhaps a career change but are afraid to take the plunge and quit their job to attend classes at a traditional university. Many people don�t have the financial resources to stop working and go back to school, while others don�t live near a college or university�or so they thought.

A new crop of post secondary learning institutions have sprung up that are indeed in everyone�s backyard � schools offering innovative online coursework and the online college degree can now be found all over the Internet. Obtaining your degree online can provide you with the knowledge, skills and educational edge you need to achieve greater professional success - all without ever stepping foot on campus.

Realize your educational goals - cull through different programs to start working on your college degree online today! Get distance learning information at

Copyright 2023


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Column - Coming Out of the Closet
Editor's note -
It takes courage to admit to consuming cannabis. The risk of losing all we love and own, tends to discourage the practice. Slowly, but surely, people are growing tired. Tired of wearing the criminal label. Tired of living in pain. Tired of living in fear. The following is the first of what is hoped to be many contributions to this column.

The War On Drugs Is A War On People
"Do you stand beside those who are harassed and arrested because of the color of their skin? Do you sit back while your neighbors are dragged off in the middle of the night for what they choose to put into their bodies? Do you honorably and respectfully uphold the rights of others to speak their truth no matter how opposed it is to yours? And do you oppose excessive taxes even if their proceeds would line your pockets?\"

The Beginning of Prohibition
The Beginning of Marijuana Prohibition - by Al Gilmore, reprinted from the Constitutional Patriots Opposing Prohibition mailing list.

Family Research Council Misses Mark on Medicinal Marijuana
"The marijuana prohibition has made criminals out of normal every day citizens, which is immoral in and of itself. But to support laws that withholds necessary medicine from those suffering from fatal and debilitating illnesses goes beyond immoral to shameful and heinous."

Mother Knows Best?
Something like keystone cops we 5 tumble out of the little car into a chilly, wet and blustery Spring day custom made for the Northwet. We gather our signs and photos of drug war POWs and their families. No one howls at an absent moon, but then again, ask for whom the bell really tolls?