Can't afford the cost of new inkjet cartridges? provides an alternative!

If you've recently purchased a new inkjet printer for your home or office, you were probably astounded at the low price you paid. Then a few weeks or months down the line when it came time to purchase a new inkjet printer cartridge you were probably equally astounded at the high price you had to pay for a replacement inkjet cartridge. You've now figured out why the purchase price was so low - the profit the manufacturer didn't make on the printer sale will be more than made up in subsequent inkjet cartridge sales.

At your local office supply discount store you can expect to pay upwards of $30 or more for a replacement inkjet printer cartridge and, depending on the amount you use your printer, you may need a new cartridge every few weeks. Is there an alternative to the high price of new inkjet cartridges?

Yes, there is - there are a slew of inkjet supply companies selling new inkjet cartridges on the Internet as well as inkjet refill kits. The prices on their new cartridges are generally lower than prices advertised at office supply shops, but the real savings doesn't come from buying new cartridges over the Internet, it comes from purchasing inkjet refill kits.

Inkjet refill kits do just what they sound like they do; they let you refill the ink when it runs out rather than getting an entire new cartridge. Every cartridge is different - how well they are treated and whether they are refilled properly all have a bearing on how long a cartridge will last. A good estimate is that an inkjet cartridge can be refilled an average of 10 times. Inkjet refill kits can save you up to 80% off the price of a new inkjet printer cartridge. They come with instructions and all the supplies necessary to "do-it-yourself" in less than 5 minutes per cartridge. Some companies also offer a "mail-in refill service" for people who don't want to mess with refilling cartridges themselves. Even these mail-in services offer about a 50% savings over new cartridges.

Don't lament the fact that you bought a beautiful new printer only to realize after the fact that new cartridges would cost a fortune. Visit to find a list of Inkjet cartridge refill suppliers who can save you an enormous amount of money.

Copyright 2023


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The War On Drugs Is A War On People
"Do you stand beside those who are harassed and arrested because of the color of their skin? Do you sit back while your neighbors are dragged off in the middle of the night for what they choose to put into their bodies? Do you honorably and respectfully uphold the rights of others to speak their truth no matter how opposed it is to yours? And do you oppose excessive taxes even if their proceeds would line your pockets?\"

NarcoNews Bulletin Issue #16: Live Reports From The Andes; & Blockades Renewed

December 3, 2023Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

The hard news from Bolivia is still not reported by the US press...

-- Blockades Begin Anew on Tuesday

-- The Chapare Region is Occupied by 4,000 Troops

-- Bolivian Prez Quiroga is in DC, will Meet Thurday With George W. Bush

-- Doctors and Police Join National Protest Wave

-- Transport Workers Paralyzed the Country last week

-- Narco News Announces LIVE FROM THE ANDES coverage to begin this week as
we move the newsroom to South Am�rica

Idolizing the Family
I contend here that the Christian church in America today has made an idol of the family. Idolatry can be defined as the act of making a created thing an object of worship. It is no light matter to place any creature in the place of the Creator. Idolatry always takes the gifts of God and attempts to use them specifically to achieve what we want, i.e., to use them for our own comfort and/or power. Take the word "idol" and look up the verses listed under it in your concordance; this will show you how very seriously God views the matter of idolatry. It is not as though we have not been warned. We have and the warnings are heavy. Why is it such an important issue to our Creator-Redeemer? God simply says in Exodus 20:5, "for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God."

They Thought They Were Free...
"What no one seemed to notice, ... was the ever widening gap ... between the government and the people. ... And it became always wider. ... the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting, it provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway ... "