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Check out discount to plan the trip of your dreams

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The people who get the best rates in the discount travel industry are willing to be flexible when making reservations. If you have a several day window of when you can fly you almost always get the lowest fare. For international travel, there can be optimal lengths of stay - if you keep within those limits, you can save hundreds of dollars on each ticket. Travelers who agree to purchase any class of seat remove limitations that may be associated with first or business class discount air tickets. As in the discount air travel industry, hotels almost always give you a discounted rate if you stay over a Saturday night.

Some discount travel websites offer other amenities such as travel insurance and destination guides, which include sight seeing information, directions and addresses, featured restaurants and local events. Take a virtual tour of the place you're about to visit by viewing pictures, pamphlets and maps of your destination before you begin your trip.

If you're stumped for a vacation idea the Internet can help there too. Read about different packages that are offered throughout the US and the world. Let the people in the travel industry put together your next vacation. Travel the world by getting discount tickets and bargain hotel rates. puts all the necessary information at your fingertips.

Copyright 2023


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Steve Kubby's Probation - Cruel and Unusual Punishment
I believe that sentencing me, when I am medically disabled and suffering from terminal cancer, two conditions that threaten my life, for misdemeanor possession of a mushroom stem and some tiny cactus buttons, not only needlessly endangers me and burdens my family, such a sentence is a violation of my Eighth Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment."

They Thought They Were Free...
"What no one seemed to notice, ... was the ever widening gap ... between the government and the people. ... And it became always wider. ... the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting, it provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway ... "

Editorial: Family Research Council's 'Victory' in Supreme Court Ruling on Medical Marijuana
"If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably is a duck. If it does not walk like a duck or talk like a duck, it probably isn't a duck."
What exactly is FRC?

America Under Attack

Report on the State of the Art
Mr. Schimelfenig posted this report on MapTalk, the mailing list for MAP, Inc. He graciously consented to it being posted here.

The Media Awareness Project is one of the most effective organizations of the legalization movement. Unlike most organizations, the leadership of MAP is visible involved and accessible.

The Beginning of Prohibition
The Beginning of Marijuana Prohibition - by Al Gilmore, reprinted from the Constitutional Patriots Opposing Prohibition mailing list.

The War Prayer
Mark Twain apparently dictated "The War Prayer" around 1904-05; it was found after his death among his unpublished manuscripts. The actual prayer is also sometimes seen in poem form.)

Column - Coming Out of the Closet
Editor's note -
It takes courage to admit to consuming cannabis. The risk of losing all we love and own, tends to discourage the practice. Slowly, but surely, people are growing tired. Tired of wearing the criminal label. Tired of living in pain. Tired of living in fear. The following is the first of what is hoped to be many contributions to this column.