Press Release: UK Laugh @ the Law Day - come have a laugh at your own expense*. by

*for tax payers only

Silence is Taken as Acceptance It's time to stand-up & be counted! Saturday 1st Dec. - from 10 am Stockport

This information is in the public domain and reproduced here for press & public information.

Colin Davies, twice cleared by a jury for supplying Medicinal Cannabis, has now been remanded in custody by Stockport Magistrates. Is it the right that an ill man who has twice been cleard by the voice of the people can be locked up in jail without a full trial?

Supporters of Colin Davies and the Dutch Experience have confirmed they are holding a big 'LAUGH @ THE LAW DAY', starting 10am and lasting into the evening, on Saturday 1st December - meeting at the Dutch Experience, Stockport Village, Hooper Street, Stockport, Greater Manchester.

They promise a WHOLE day of fun and activities, and they expect a large turn out, as posters go up and thousands of flyers are distributed across the Greater Manchester area. In addition they have local media coverage, together with dozens of cannabis related internet sites and forums reporting the planned demo.

A spokesman said, "Local people are outraged and we are assured of very strong local support, which combined with cannabis campaigners arriving from across the UK - will insure an a turn-out running into hundreds, if not thousands."

Some of those, that handed themselves in for arrest last Saturday, whilst smoking joints, are intending to get arrested again, together with several others putting themselves forward for their first arrest - with the intention to bring the court system to a standstill, thus proving that the cannabis laws are unenforceable.

One said, "we are looking for people to come out and support those demanding to be arrested - we are at a turning point, this is a grass-roots campaign to overturn the cannabis laws, backed by the public at large, the media, the medical profession, the police and many other groups."

"We can not let them treat Colin Davies this way or close the Dutch Experience, we will keep going back to be arrested - until they finally stop this crazy waste of public money. We know that with so much more notice - hundreds or even thousands will gather to show their support for us."

"We are fighting this campaign for the people - let the people speak with their feet and be in Stockport this coming Saturday, and show the government that the people have spoken."

The spokesman said there is no need for people to hand themselves in, demanding to be arrested - they can just turn-up to show their support for those that do, and enjoy a peaceful fun-filled day - having a laugh at the law!

He went on to say, "people should show up with drums, whistles, banners etc - let make this a fun, colourful, but above all peaceful protest - one of the final nails in the coffin of prohibition!"

NB: Lots of things planned can not be published on the net, as DE supporters have been advised by some police officers that Manchester Police is monitoring certain sites.

Keep up to date at - special Dutch Experience Latest Section, via the UK CANNABIS CAFE link!


WEBMASTERS: Please add to your site (linked from your front page please) - or place a link on your front page to - where the front page & demo pages will be kept up to date. Also please forward this to your mailing lists - THANK YOU!!!

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