God and Ganja by Jennifer L.G. Wallace, Editor

There is no need to search the Bible for mention of cannabis or its use to attack the prohibition of marijuana from a biblical perspective (Re: Letters, "Rev. Pothead," March 15-21).

There is no need to search the Bible for mention of cannabis or its use to attack the prohibition of marijuana from a biblical perspective (Re: Letters, "Rev. Pothead," March 15-21).

The seed-bearing plant we call marijuana has been in existence since the third day of Creation, with God decaring it good. He then gave it to man along with all the other seed-bearing plants and trees on the sixth day, and declared it and them not only as good, but very good. Later in Genesis, he also confirms that he gave all green plants to man for food when he made his convenant with Noah.

While this may not coincide with the the so-called knowledge that comes from our modern day technology, let God be true and all men be liars. The issue of how it is consumed is mere nit picking and the laws of prohibition actually prevent it from being consumed in a more proper manner. While it may be true there are no direct references to cannabis in the Bible, we are told how we are to treat the people in the world and each other, in regards to all things of issue. We are told not to judge those in the world or those in Christ. The consumption of anything falls under the category of debatable issues which we are specifically instructed not to condemn.

Criminalizing cannabis use is undoubtedly evidence of judgement and condemnation. The end does not justify the means. Not that the end could be justified anyway. There is no earthly good that has been or ever will be accomplished by supporting the laws that prohibit marijuana, that can even begin to justify the earthly and eternal harm that has been done and continues to be done. For those that will be held accountable, the responsibility will be great.

Jennifer L.G. Wallace/ChristiansForCannabis.Com

Copyright 2002