Wed May 15 2002
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"Thank you for spreading the truth. I was born and raised a Catholic and always taught the general public opinion that pot is bad. When I started to smoke pot my opinion was quickly changed. All the lies that I had been told by the adults in my life were revealed to me. Instead of destroying my relationship with god (like many adults had told me it would) it strengthened it and actually gave me the courage to express my beliefs and spread the good word. Keep up the work of God, free the weed we shall prevail."
Mike F
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Dangers of Cannabis

The DEA's Administrative Law Judge, Francis Young concluded: "In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care.:

Source: US Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Agency, "In the Matter of Marijuana Rescheduling Petition," [Docket #86-22], (September 6, 2022), p. 57.

If You Don't Read This, You Are Only Hurting Yourself
by Kay Lee

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I have sat in courts just to see what's going on. I see the 'public pretenders' stagger in, each with a two foot high pile of files that he obviously scanned for the first time minutes ago in the hallway.

I see them stand to represent people whose names they have to refer to the file for.

I've seen the well-dressed lawyers who neglected to interview or subpoena witnesses, or file paperwork in a timely manner. They usually have spent the past few months avoiding the client, and taking on more people's cases than they can possibly effectively council for.


If you resist giving up all your rights with a plea bargain, you find yourself in a hostile courtroom where the judge restricts the 'Telling of the Truth", the juries are seldom instructed properly, and the verdict is possibly 25% too often guilty.

The words the judge and your lawyer exchange as they battle for your life are repetitious in case after case, recited rapid-fire, seldom varying, all you have time to understand is "You are hereby sentenced..."


So when errant guards go around pepperspraying for pleasure, over-utilizing isolation and the 'goon squads', writing bogus DRs and throwing away grievances, often adding untold days, months and years to a man's sentence, they need to remember that one out of 25 of the people they hurt are more innocent than they are!


We are busy people. We don't have time to research every policy, every law, every mistake that destroys good people.

We are good people, but sometimes we support policies because we've been fooled by the 'Smoke and Mirrors'... the propaganda, the manipulation of faulty numbers and bogus research. Sometimes we make mistakes.


So, think about it. And when you begin to feel the fear that I feel, write a letter to your representatives, with a cc to the editor of your local paper...and don't forget to save a copy for your grandkids -

Let them see how you stood up for truth and common sense, so they'll be able to do the same for their offspring!


Kay Lee, MTWT
Pacific Institute of Criminal Justice
1868 San Juan Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94707
[email protected]

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May 15 2002, 11:12:19
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