Wed May 15 2002
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"Thank you for spreading the truth. I was born and raised a Catholic and always taught the general public opinion that pot is bad. When I started to smoke pot my opinion was quickly changed. All the lies that I had been told by the adults in my life were revealed to me. Instead of destroying my relationship with god (like many adults had told me it would) it strengthened it and actually gave me the courage to express my beliefs and spread the good word. Keep up the work of God, free the weed we shall prevail."
Mike F
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Dangers of Cannabis

The DEA's Administrative Law Judge, Francis Young concluded: "In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care.:

Source: US Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Agency, "In the Matter of Marijuana Rescheduling Petition," [Docket #86-22], (September 6, 2022), p. 57.

Steve Kubby's Probation - Cruel and Unusual Punishment
by Steve Kubby

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It seems to me that if we were lawfully asserting rights, for a law we helped to pass, and the District Attorney has failed to show any marijuana crime ever took place, accepting any form of probation would be a violation of everything we and this country stands for.

Finally, I refuse to comply with the terms of probation, because of my profound belief that the threat of jail is being held over my head to coerce me into "voluntary compliance" with a criminal justice system that is broken.

The law that my wife and I helped pass was easy enough for the voters of California and the jurors of Placer County to understand. Only narcotics officers, prosecutors, and others who benefit from the drug war have difficulty understanding a law that grants new rights. I find it amazing how difficult it is for people to understand something when their careers depend upon them NOT understanding it.

I understand that I have until April 10th to comply with sentencing instructions and that after that, I will be "subject to immediate arrest, imprisonment and denial of any medical marijuana."

Naturally my wife and I find such prospects distressing, especially since my life is on the line, but we will continue to stand on our principles and Constitutional rights. I wrote a book called 'The Politics of Consciousness,' that salutes the courageous people who helped fight tyranny during the early days of the American Revolution. My final statement about refusing probation is best summed up by words uttered centuries ago by one of those early Americans who gave their life to defeat tyrants:

"Give me liberty, or give me death."

Let freedom grow,

Steve Kubby

Cc: Sheriff Ed Bonner

Frank Wolff, KCRA Sacramento

Matt Robinson, FOX News

Eric Baily, Los Angeles Times

Alan Bock, Orange County Register

Wayne Wilson, Sacramento Bee

Henri Lee, San Francisco Chronicle

Tom Elias, Washington Times

Deric Roth, Auburn Journal

Joel Miller, WorldNetDaily

And other distinguished members of the media

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May 15 2002, 11:12:19
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